ALTRALANG Journal 2024-12-13T11:26:28+00:00 Prof. Abdelkader Lotfi BENHATTAB Open Journal Systems <p><strong>ALTRALANG Journal (<em>Algerian Translation and Languages Journal</em>)</strong>&nbsp;[ e-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2710-8619</strong></a>&nbsp;; p-ISSN:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>2710-7922</strong></a> ], is an Open-Access Peer-Reviewed International Journal, ALTRALANG Journal is a biannual publication published twice a year by the <strong><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Faculty of Foreign Languages</a>,</strong>&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><strong>University of Oran 2 Mohamed Ben Ahmed</strong></a>, Algeria, since 2019</p> <p><strong>AIMS AND SCOPE:</strong></p> <p>The main objective of ALTRALANG Journal is to contribute significantly to the body of knowledge by providing an intellectual platform for national and international scholars, including postgraduate students, professors, and researchers operating in academic circles, government departments, or socio-economic institutions.</p> <p>To promote interdisciplinary studies in Languages and Translation Studies, ALTRALANG Journal is committed to publish biannually in a variety of languages, including&nbsp;<strong>English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Arabic and Tamazight,</strong>&nbsp;covering both theoretical and empirical topics in fields such as&nbsp;<em>Translation Studies, Communication Studies, Cross-Cultural Studies, Linguistics, Literature, Educational Sciences , Didactics, History, Civilization, Methodology and Arts.</em></p> <p><strong>Special issues devoted to important topics in the scope of the journal will occasionally be published.</strong></p> <p><strong>PUBLICATION CHARGES: Free</strong></p> <p>Article Processing Charges (APCs):&nbsp;<strong>Non</strong></p> <p>Submission Charges:&nbsp;<strong>Non</strong></p> Le Pecha Kucha comme outil pour la production orale en français langue étrangère 2024-09-04T22:41:30+00:00 Cédric Marc Alain CASABON <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>During oral presentations, and especially when an exam is involved, future candidates fear speaking in a foreign language. The idea is to offer practice activities to motivate learners and calm their nerves. In this way, anxiety at the time of speaking should disturb the quality of the presentation as little as possible. To this end, we are going to propose a Pecha Kucha presentation. This type of presentation is an oral presentation, but it has some special features in terms of format compared with conventional presentations.</em></p> <p><em><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> Lors des présentations orales, et surtout quand il y a à la clé un examen, les futurs candidats craignent de parler dans une langue étrangère. L’idée est alors de proposer des activités d’entraînement afin de motiver l’apprenant et de le tranquilliser. Ainsi, l’anxiété au moment de s’exprimer devrait perturber le moins possible la qualité de la présentation. Pour cela nous allons proposer un travail autour de l’exposé sous la forme de Pecha Kucha. Cette modalité est une présentation orale qui présente des particularités en termes de format en comparaison avec les présentations classiques que l’on peut observer.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Impact des contextes multilingues sur l'apprentissage du français chez les préscolaires Guinéens 2024-12-13T11:26:28+00:00 Fatoumata Binta Seydi DIALLO <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>This study examines the factors influencing the acquisition of French as a second language among young learners in a Guinean multilingual context, focusing on specific preschool settings, the Community Education Center (CEC) and the Petite Académie kindergarten. Through a multidimensional analysis that incorporates communicative, linguistic, and sociolinguistic/pragmatic dimensions, as well as language choices in teaching, this article seeks to understand how the multilingual environment and pedagogical practices impact French learning. The central hypothesis suggests that linguistic acquisition is facilitated by teaching methods that promote active immersion, multilingual communication, and the integration of learners' cultural and social contexts. The findings confirm the importance of sociocultural interactions, linguistic diversity, and thoughtful pedagogical practices for the linguistic development of children. This research highlights the need for inclusive educational approaches that value multilingualism and prepare young learners to navigate an interconnected world, offering essential insights for educational policies and teaching strategies in Guinea and beyond.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>Cette étude examine les facteurs influençant l'acquisition du français comme langue seconde chez les jeunes apprenants dans un contexte multilingue guinéen, en se concentrant sur des établissements préscolaires spécifiques, le Centre d'Éducation Communautaire (CEC) et l'école maternelle la Petite Académie. À travers une analyse multidimensionnelle, intégrant les dimensions communicatives, linguistiques, et sociolinguistiques/pragmatiques, ainsi que les choix linguistiques dans l'enseignement, cet article cherche à comprendre comment l'environnement multilingue et les pratiques pédagogiques impactent l'apprentissage du français. L'hypothèse centrale suggère que l'acquisition linguistique est facilitée par des méthodes d'enseignement qui favorisent une immersion active, une communication multilingue, et l'intégration des contextes culturels et sociaux des apprenants. Les résultats confirment l'importance des interactions socioculturelles, de la diversité linguistique et des pratiques pédagogiques réfléchies pour le développement linguistique des enfants. Cette recherche met en évidence la nécessité d'approches éducatives inclusives qui valorisent le multilinguisme et préparent les jeunes apprenants à naviguer dans un monde interconnecté, offrant des perspectives essentielles pour les politiques éducatives et les stratégies d'enseignement en Guinée et au-delà.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) La carte mentale comme outil de structuration et de rétention du lexique dans la mémoire des apprenants du FLE 2024-09-04T22:41:24+00:00 Manal CHERMITI Azzeddine MAHIEDDINE <p><strong>ABSTRACT: </strong><em>This article, which falls within the framework of the teaching of foreign languages, approaches the issue of Algerian middle school learners’ lexis losses in the learning of the French language. We believe, like some authors such as Cavalla &amp; al. (2014), Yang (2017), Haan (2020), and many others, that vocabulary retention depends heavily on how information is stored in memory. In this regard, we have designed and tested a mind map as a tool that can optimize the teaching of vocabulary. The strength of our contribution lies in the use of this tool in the internalization of a predetermined lexical structure. To test the effectiveness of our teaching approach, we carried out an experiment on two groups of middle school second year pupils, (experimental group and a controlled group). Tests of lexis recognition allowed showed the positive effect of the suggested approach, on the one hand, in the lexis background of the experimental group and, on the other, on their linguistic awareness and ability to retain words at short term, compared to the controlled group.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ </strong><strong>: </strong><em>Le présent article, qui s’inscrit dans le cadre de la didactique des langues étrangères, soulève le </em><em>problème des déperditions lexicales dans l’apprentissage du français chez les élèves algériens du collège. </em><em>Nous supposons, à l’instar de certains auteurs (Cavalla &amp; al., 2014 ; Yang, 2017 ; Haan, 2020, entre autres), que la rétention du lexique dépend</em> <em>fortement de la manière selon laquelle l’information est structurée en mémoire. Dans cette optique, nous avons conçu et mis à l’épreuve du terrain une carte mentale comme outil susceptible d’optimiser l’enseignement du lexique. L’originalité de notre contribution réside dans l’utilisation de cet outil dans l’intériorisation d’une structuration lexicale prédéfinie. Afin de vérifier l’efficacité de notre démarche pédagogique, deux groupes d’élèves de la deuxième année moyenne ont participé à notre expérimentation (groupe expérimental et groupe témoin). Des tests de reconnaissance lexicale ont finalement permis de constater l’effet positif de la démarche proposée, d’une part, sur le développement du bagage lexical des élèves du groupe expérimental et, d’autre part, sur le développement de leur conscience linguistique et leur capacité de rétention des mots à moyen terme, par rapport au groupe témoin.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Modèle d’enseignement hybride et compétences du 21e siècle pour le secteur de l’éducation nationale en Algérie 2024-09-04T22:40:57+00:00 Souhila SOLTANI Hacina MEZDAOUT <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Secondary education in Algeria follows competency-based frameworks that encourage an integrated approach involving multidisciplinarity, project-based pedagogy, and educational technology. The aim of French as a Foreign Language (FLE) education programs is to create a training framework that aligns with communication practices supported by educational technology, promoting the enhancement of language and intercultural skills. More than just a passing trend, hybrid teaching is an approach that combines in-person and remote classes in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. This approach reduces the student load and provides flexibility on various levels, including greater accessibility to education with fewer constraints related to space and time. However, to ensure effective human-technology interactions, significant attention has been given to training educators in the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) devices, both digital and audiovisual, and the associated methodologies. This study focuses on the feasibility of hybrid teaching and its potential for developing 21st-century skills.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>L’enseignement au secondaire en Algérie reprend les référentiels de compétences qui encouragent à entreprendre dans une démarche intégrant la pluridisciplinarité, la pédagogie de projet, le numérique éducatif et créatif. Ce qui est visé dans les programmes de l’enseignement du FLE, c’est de développer un dispositif de formation en rapport avec les pratiques communicationnelles soutenues par le numérique éducatif, vecteurs d’amélioration de compétences langagières et interculturelles. Bien plus qu’une nouvelle tendance, l’enseignement hybride est un dispositif dont la mise en place offre la possibilité de combiner des cours en présence et à distance en mode synchrone ou asynchrone. Ce qui permet de diminuer le flux des apprenants et d’assurer la souplesse sur plusieurs niveaux, dont une meilleure accessibilité de la formation, en inscrivant moins de contraintes en rapport avec l’espace et le temps. Toutefois, pour assurer les interactions humaines-interactions technologiques, la formation du personnel enseignant aux matériels et aux méthodologies d’emploi des dispositifs TIC (numériques et audiovisuels) a reçu un intérêt majeur de la part des responsables du secteur de l’éducation. Dans cette étude, notre intérêt reprend la problématique de la faisabilité d’un enseignement hybride, mais aussi de la possibilité du développement des compétences du 21<sup>e</sup> siècle. </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Typologie textuelle et types d’écriture : facteurs déterminants de la fréquence d’utilisation des opérations d'écriture dans les productions écrites des scripteurs lycéens en Algérie 2024-09-04T22:40:53+00:00 Ahmed BELHACHI Rabéa BENAMAR <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>The addition, deletion, replacement and displacement represent the fundamental writing operations of textual genetics; they are identifiable in the writings of writers as well as in those of students (Grésillon, 1994, 2008), and they remain the fruit of a metalinguistic reflection on writing (Fabre-Cols, 1987). It is, in fact, in relation to the work of Claudine Fabre-Cols (2002), who was interested in the rate of presence of each writing operation in the writings of schoolchildren, that we seek to understand how these operations are classified in the writings of young scribblers in the FLE class in Algeria. We analyzed genetically the writings produced by the young scribblers of 2nd year secondary to check the impact of the textual typology and the types of writing on the presence and the predominance of the operations of writing.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ : </strong><em>L'ajout, la suppression, le remplacement et le déplacement, représentent les opérations d'écriture fondamentales de la génétique textuelle, elles sont repérables aussi bien dans les écrits des écrivains que dans ceux des élèves (Grésillon, 1994, 2008), elles demeurent le fruit d’une réflexion métalinguistique sur l'écrit (Fabre-Cols, 1987). </em><em>C’est, en fait, par rapport aux travaux de Claudine Fabre-Cols (2002)</em><em>, qui s'est intéressée au taux de présence de chaque opération d'écriture dans les écrits des écoliers, que nous cherchons à comprendre comment ces opérations se classent dans les écrits des jeunes scripteurs en classe de FLE en Algérie. Nous avons analysé génétiquement les écrits produits par les jeunes scripteurs de 2ème année secondaire pour vérifier l'impact de la typologie textuelle et des types d'écriture sur la présence et la prédominance des opérations d'écriture</em>.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Diagnostic et correction des fautes d'accentuation en situation d'enseignement/apprentissage 2024-09-04T22:40:50+00:00 Yves DIOUF <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong><em> In written expression, learners do not very often apply the rules learned in lower levels. However, the frequent use of mobile phones for sending SMS messages has suddenly worsened their expression problem. The transposition of the atypical writing style of SMS into school learning poses serious problems, as learners produce texts without respecting spelling rules, particularly accentuation, both in literary exercises and evaluations. To objectively assess its true impact on students' written expression level, we decided to conduct surveys among the targeted individuals and utilize pedagogy. Through didactics, we found that the learners' accentuation problem is fundamentally linked to the transposition of the "normless" writing of SMS into written productions in evaluations.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>En expression écrite, les apprenants n’appliquent pas très souvent les règles apprises dans les niveaux inférieurs. Cependant, l’usage fréquent du téléphone portable pour l’envoi de SMS a subitement aggravé leur problème d’expression. La transposition de l’écriture atypique des SMS dans l’apprentissage scolaire pose de sérieux problèmes dans la mesure où les apprenants produisent des textes sans pour autant respecter les règles orthographiques, plus précisément l’accentuation, aussi bien en exercices littéraires qu’en évaluations. Pour évaluer de façon objective son véritable impact sur le niveau d’expression écrite des élèves, nous avons décidé de mener des enquêtes auprès des personnes ciblées et de mettre à contribution la pédagogie. Grâce à la didactique, nous avons trouvé que le problème d’accentuation des apprenants se trouve à la base de la transposition de l’écriture “sans normes” des SMS dans les productions écrites en évaluation.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) La socialisation langagière des langues dans les familles algériennes : entre succession et sécession 2024-09-04T22:40:47+00:00 Abla TAGUIDA <p><strong>ABSTRACT: </strong><em>The language socialization process as well as family language policies are the subject of this contribution, which addresses a reflection on the evolution of the French language through three generations of the same family. The purpose of this research is to identify the mechanism of transmission of languages by speakers of three generations, through their epilinguistic discourses and their representations. </em><em>A qualitative study based on nine interviews carried out with members of three Algerian families, allowed us to reveal repertoires, practices and linguistic representations that vary between intra-family and inter-family similarities and diversities. </em><em>Despite a socialisation path in favor of the French language and despite the parents' desire to entrust this linguistic heritage to the children, the results obtained reveal a diminishing attachment to this language by the younger generation as well as their desire to integrate the English language which seems to restructure the linguistic profile of Algerian families.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>Le processus de socialisation langagière ainsi que les politiques linguistiques familiales, représentent le sujet de cette contribution qui aborde une réflexion sur l’évolution de la langue française à travers trois générations de la même famille. La finalité de cette recherche est de cerner le mécanisme de transmission des langues par les locuteurs des trois générations, à travers leurs discours épilinguistiques et leurs représentations.&nbsp; </em><em>Une étude qualitative fondée sur neuf entretiens réalisés auprès des membres de trois familles algériennes, nous a permis de dévoiler des répertoires, des pratiques et des représentations linguistiques qui varient entre similitudes et diversités intrafamiliales et interfamiliales.&nbsp; </em><em>Malgré un parcours de socialisation en faveur de la langue française et en dépit de la volonté des parents de confier cet héritage linguistique aux enfants, les résultats obtenus révèlent un attachement diminuant à cette langue par la génération cadette ainsi que son désir d’intégration de la langue anglaise qui semble restructurer le profil linguistique des familles algériennes. </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Les déterminants définis et indéfinis dans la langue malgache : étude comparative avec le français 2024-09-04T22:40:44+00:00 Aina Fanantenana Bertholin Gérard Jocelyn HERIMANANA <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>This article examines the origin and various influences of the Malagasy language, as well as the specificity of its definite and indefinite determiners in comparison with French. The Malagasy language, rich in a varied linguistic heritage, incorporates elements of Kiswahili, Arabic, Sanskrit, and European contributions. The study focuses on the definition and use of Malagasy definite determiners, particularly their deictic, anaphoric, and cataphoric employment, as well as the unique role of the determiner le-Modif. It also addresses indefinite determiners, defining their usage and analyzing the article ‘un’ accompanied by modifiers. This research contributes to a better understanding of the determination mechanisms in Austronesian languages and sheds light on the interactions between contact languages.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>Cet article examine l’origine et les influences diverses de la langue malgache, ainsi que la spécificité de ses déterminants définis et indéfinis en comparaison avec le français. La langue malgache, riche d’un héritage linguistique varié, intègre des éléments du kiswahili, de l’arabe, du sanskrit et des contributions européennes. L’étude se concentre sur la définition et l’utilisation des déterminants définis malgaches, notamment leur emploi déictique, anaphorique et cataphorique, ainsi que sur le rôle unique du déterminant le-Modif. Elle aborde également les déterminants indéfinis, en définissant leur usage et en analysant l’article un accompagné de modifieurs. Cette recherche contribue à une meilleure compréhension des mécanismes de détermination dans les langues austronésiennes et offre un éclairage sur les interactions entre les langues en contact.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) L’argumentation éditoriale : quelle particularité discursive ? Cas du journal francophone algérien El Watan 2024-09-04T22:40:41+00:00 Ahlem SAMADI Ouardia ACI Kawtar DEMBRI <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>In this research, which aims to be a contribution to the analysis of media discourse, we propose an argumentative study of a typical discourse: the editorial. Indeed, this journalistic genre, which assumes a position on a topical subject, gives rise to an argument likely to persuade the reader of the defended cause. The editorial of the French-language daily El Watan dealing with an unprecedented political event in Algeria, namely the hirak, reveals a particular discursive practice that corresponds to the persuasive stakes of this discourse. Thus, our work, which falls within the field of discourse analysis in conjunction with argumentative rhetoric, aims to study this discursive particularity through the analysis of the arguments put in place by the editorialist of El Watan with a view to gain the support of its readers. The objective of this reflection is therefore to show how the arguments mobilized confer a force of persuasion on the journalist's discourse.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>Dans la présente recherche qui se veut une contribution dans l’analyse du discours médiatique, nous proposons une étude argumentative d’un discours type&nbsp;: l’éditorial. En effet, ce genre journalistique qui suppose une prise de position sur un sujet d’actualité, donne lieu à une argumentation susceptible de persuader le lecteur de la cause défendue. L’éditorial du quotidien francophone El Watan traitant d’un événement politique inédit en Algérie, à savoir le hirak, donne à observer une pratique discursive particulière qui correspond à l’enjeu persuasif de ce discours. Ainsi, notre travail qui s’inscrit dans le domaine de l’analyse du discours en croisement avec la rhétorique argumentative vise à étudier cette particularité discursive à travers l’analyse des arguments mis en place par l’éditorialiste d’El Watan en vue de gagner l’adhésion de ses lecteurs. L’objectif de cette réflexion est donc de montrer comment les arguments mobilisés confèrent une force de persuasion au discours du journaliste.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) La Pratique du Graffiti comme Fragment de la Rhétorique Amoureuse 2024-09-04T22:40:37+00:00 Amina DJAÏB Farida TILIKETE <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>As a discursive practice, graffiti reveals many aspects of social life. On the one hand, it evokes the daily struggles of a community and, on the other, the graffiti artist’s emotions. Whether it is the result of an eventization or an expression of a mere feeling, graffiti is an act which production is in no sense random. In this article, we focus on romantic graffiti which main purpose is the expression of love. A feeling that can be both enchanting and devastating. This study aims to identify the rhetoric that underlies the production of a romantic graffiti. To answer this question, we have conducted a rhetorical-discursive analysis of 10 graffiti which common theme is love. The purpose of this research is to detect and interpret the implied meaning expressed through figures of speech, by analysing the latter’s semantic charge in order to comprehend their relevance in the semiotic decoding of romantic graffiti.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>Le graffiti comme pratique discursive recèle de nombreux aspects de la vie sociale. Il évoque d’une part, les luttes quotidiennes des peuples et d’autre part, l’émotion de celui qui le produit : le graffiteur. Qu’il soit le résultat d’une événementialisation ou la simple expression d’un sentiment, le graffiti est un acte dont la production n’est pas aléatoire. Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons au graffiti amoureux qui est l’expression du graffiteur sur le thème de l’amour. Un sentiment à la fois enchanteur et dévastateur. Notre problématique consiste alors à cerner la rhétorique qui régit la production des graffitis amoureux. Pour cela, nous effectuons une analyse rhétorico-discursive d’un corpus composé de 10 graffitis dont le thème commun est l’amour. L’objectif de cette recherche est de déceler et d’interpréter l’implicite actualisé à travers les figures de style et ce, en analysant leur charge sémantique pour saisir leur relevance dans le décodage sémiotique du graffiti amoureux.&nbsp;&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) L’écriture du mystère dans Le Sphinx qui n’a pas de secret d’Oscar Wilde 2024-09-04T22:40:34+00:00 Salsabil GOUIDER <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Writing the mystery is a stylistic exercise that characterizes the short tale “The Sphinx without a secret” by Oscar Wilde. This article offers a study of the different stylistic processes and techniques adopted in the inscription of the mystery which singularizes the romantic adventure of an elusive woman, Lady Alroy and a reasonable man, Lord Murchison.&nbsp; Wilde's use of several language tools and the mise en abyme in the narration is the factor behind the intrusion of this mystery which not only arouses the curiosity of the hero and the reader because of the</em> <em>fabulous image of this woman, but it also touches on the language adopted by Wilde in the particular quest to decipher fiction from mystery.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>L’écriture du mystère est un exercice de style qui caractérise le conte bref </em><em>Le Sphinx qui n’a pas de secret </em><em>d’Oscar Wilde. Cet article propose une étude des différents procédés de style et des techniques adoptées dans l’inscription du mystère qui singularise l’aventure amoureuse d’une femme insaisissable, lady Alroy et d’un homme raisonnable, lord Murchison. Le recours de Wilde à plusieurs outils langagiers et à la mise en abyme dans la narration, est le facteur de l’intrusion de ce mystère qui ne suscite pas seulement la curiosité du héros et du lecteur à cause de l’image fabuleuse de cette femme, mais il touche également le langage adopté par Wilde à la quête particulière du déchiffrement de la fiction du mystère.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Du renouveau esthétique contemporain dans Une Valse de Lynda Chouiten 2024-09-04T22:40:31+00:00 Imene LATACHI Leila MOUSSEDEK <p><strong>ABSTRACT: </strong><em>On the literary scene, Algerian novels are increasingly asserting themselves through their value, and their aesthetic renewal. Thus, contemporary Algerian novel production preserves its ancestral heritage while renewing its scriptural forms. Our aim is to interrogate the manifestation of this contemporary aesthetic renewal, through Lynda Chouiten's novel 'Une Valse'. </em><em>This article takes a critical look at the notion of generic hybridity, linguistic hybridization, and narrative polyphony. It seeks to highlight, through a structural and semiotic approach, the set of processes that have enabled the proliferation of genres, languages, and discourses in our corpus.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ : </strong><em>Sur l’Olympia littéraire, le roman algérien s’impose de plus en plus de par sa valeur et son renouveau esthétique. Ainsi, la production romanesque algérienne contemporaine préserve son héritage ancestral tout en renouvelant les formes scripturales. Notre dessein est d’interroger la manifestation de ce renouveau esthétique contemporain, à travers le roman Une Valse de Lynda Chouiten. </em><em>Cet article porte un regard critique envers la notion de l’hybridité générique, le métissage linguistique ainsi que la polyphonie narrative. Il s’agit de mettre en évidence, à travers une approche structurale et sémiotique, l’ensemble des procédés ayant permis la profusion des genres, des langues et des discours dans notre corpus</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Pour une poétique de l’ivoironie dans la poésie de Toh Bi Tié Emmanuel 2024-09-04T22:40:28+00:00 Jean Marius EHUI Kouassi Jean Bernard KOUADIO <p><strong>ABSTRACT: </strong><em>The idea of a poetics of “ivoironie” offers new perspectives of analysis to Ivorian literary works. Indeed, since the advent of musical genres such as Zouglou in 1990 and coupé-décalé in 2000, Ivorian literature, in general, and Ivorian poetry, in particular, have been militating in favor of cultural rehabilitation and identity. Thus, the various literary works present in their textual materiality, many Ivorianisms and social symbols that deserve to be taken into account in the construction of meaning. Such reading issues are the basis of the poetics of Ivorianism, which is an extension of sociological theories of literature (sociocriticism, sociopoetics, semiostylistic, etc.). From this poetics of “ivoironie”, we will question the poetry of Toh Bi in order to construct its meaning.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ : </strong><em>L’idée d’une poétique de l’ivoironie offre de nouvelles perspectives d’analyse aux œuvres littéraires ivoiriennes. En effet, depuis l’avènement des genres musicaux tels que le Zouglou en 1990 et le coupé décalé en 2000, la littérature ivoirienne, en général, et la poésie ivoirienne, en particulier, militent en faveur de la réhabilitation culturelle et identitaire. Ainsi, les différentes œuvres littéraires présentent dans leurs matérialités textuelles, de nombreux ivoirismes et symboles sociaux qui méritent d’être pris en compte dans la construction du sens. De tels enjeux de lecture fondent la poétique de l’ivoironie qui s’inscrit dans le prolongement des théories sociologiques de la littérature (la sociocritique, la sociopoétique, la sémiostylistique etc.) A l’aune de cette poétique de l’ivoironie, nous interrogerons la poésie de Toh Bi afin d’en construire le sens.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Une analyse sémiostylistique de la schématisation discursive de la particularité de l'amour maternel de la femme africaine dans le poème "A ma mère" de Camara Laye 2024-09-04T22:40:24+00:00 Omer TAKAM <p><strong>ABSTRACT: </strong><em>The poem of Camara Laye is a text conceived to magnify maternal love of African woman, which the poet presents as of no resemblance. The particularity of that love, which is shown through various manifestations and is being made particular from the way it is expressed, is that it takes the shapes of symbol. Maternal love of African woman is presented under the symbol of love itself. This poem is focused on maternal love of African woman given to be identified as the true love, as the incomparable love. And it is in consideration of the singular configuration of its statement that the semiostylistic approach has been chosen, by giving the analysis a semasiology order. The analysis shows that maternal love of African woman is literarized by the poet as the embodiment of true love. It is the mother of the writer whom he is talking about, whom sacrifice for her family is grasped by the poet as the example of sacrificial love, of the self to others. It is that love freed from interest, pure and true that the poem celebrates and sings, to make know to the world the intrinsic value of the Black woman, of the African woman, who is the embodiment of true love, an example of sacrifice to her family.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ : </strong><em>Le poème de Camara Laye est une exaltation de l’amour maternel de la femme africaine, que le poète présente comme sans pareil. La particularité de cet amour, qui se manifeste en plusieurs facettes et se fait particulier par la forme même de son expression, est qu’il prend les configurations de symbole. L’amour maternel de la femme africaine est présenté sous le symbole de l’amour même. Le poème s’articule autour de cet amour donné à identifier comme le vrai amour, comme l’amour incomparable. C’est eu égard à la configuration singulière de sa mise en forme verbale qu’a été convoquée l’approche sémiostylistique, en l’analysant par le biais de la démarche sémasiologique. L’analyse démontre que l’amour maternel de la femme africaine est littérarisé comme l’incarnation du vrai amour. C’est la mère de l’écrivain dont il est question, celle dont le dévouement pour sa famille est saisi par le scripteur comme l’exemple d’un amour sacrificiel, du don de soi pour les autres. C’est cet amour dépourvu d’intérêt, pur et vrai que le poète exalte, célèbre et chante, pour faire connaître au monde la valeur intrinsèque singulière de la femme noire, de la femme africaine, qui est l’incarnation du véritable amour, un exemple du dévouement pour sa famille.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) L’intelligence artificielle dans Klara et le Soleil de Kazuo Ishiguro 2024-09-04T22:40:20+00:00 Axel Richard EBA <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>The central theme in Klara and the Sun is that of Artificial Intelligence. To study it, Julia Kristeva’s semantalysis was useful. The theorist proposes not to be limited to purely textual phenomena so as to be interested in the decryption of analytical categories. Thus, Kazuo Ishiguro under the pivots of pheno-text and geno-text conceptualized his novel as a maieutic of soul of artificial Human.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>Le thème central dans Klara et le Soleil est celui de l’Intelligence Artificielle. Pour en faire l’étude, la sémanalyse de Julia Kristeva a été utile. La théoricienne propose de ne pas se limiter aux phénomènes purement textuels de sorte à s’intéresser au plus haut point au décryptage des catégories analytiques. Ainsi, Kazuo Ishiguro sous les pivots du phéno-texte et du géno-texte a conceptualisé son roman comme une maïeutique de l’âme de l’Homme artificiel.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Intelligence artificielle : Enjeux et risques pour la traduction 2024-09-04T22:40:17+00:00 Fatiha HADAD Marie-Claude SAN JUAN Mehdi HAMDI <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Artificial Intelligence (AI) has rapidly expanded across various fields, impacting society by transforming linguistic and cultural habits in translation and breaking down language barriers. While offering opportunities like instant translations and recognition software, caution is necessary due to AI's limitations, particularly in automatic translation. </em><em>The evolving interaction between humans and machines creates new frontiers in global connectivity, prompting questions about their roles in translation for the humanities and social sciences. Our analysis explores the current state of AI, its possibilities, and tools, focusing on its role in literary and academic translation. We also delve into the limits and risks of AI, underscoring the vital role of the human translator. The central question revolves around whether AI, especially in automatic translation, can reliably serve the humanities. Our hypothesis asserts that the human translator is crucial, using knowledge and experience to provide authentic translations, with the machine acting as a legitimate complement, tempered by the cultural insight of the human translator.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>L'intelligence artificielle (IA) s'est rapidement développée dans divers domaines, impactant la société en transformant les habitudes linguistiques et culturelles en matière de traduction et en éliminant les barrières linguistiques. Les possibilités qu’offre cette intelligence pour la traduction sont énormes. Toutefois, il est important de faire attention, car il s’agit enfin de machines programmées à cet effet. Le recours de plus en plus accru à ces machines de traduction qui évoluent rapidement suscite des interrogations des spécialistes de la traduction quant à la fiabilité et l’important domaine recouvert par ces dernières. D’autres questions émanent également sur leur conséquence et la place à occuper face au traducteur humain. C’est pourquoi notre analyse explore l’état actuel de l’IA, ses possibilités, ses outils et son rôle dans la traduction littéraire et académique. Il sera question, conjointement à cela, de voir les limites et les risques de l’IA, en soulignant le rôle vital du traducteur humain. </em><em>En somme, la question centrale est de savoir si l’IA, en particulier dans la traduction automatique, peut servir de manière fiable les sciences humaines. Notre hypothèse affirme que l’intervention du traducteur humain dans cette équation est primordiale. Ses connaissances et son expérience seraient essentielles pour fournir des traductions authentiques.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Le défi du traducteur face aux erreurs terminologiques dans le champ de la traduction automatique 2024-09-04T22:40:14+00:00 Sihem HASSAINE <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Translation, as a vector of communication between cultures and the transfer of knowledge, has evolved with the advent of machine translation, offering speed, efficiency and economy. However, this advance raises questions about its ability to match the precision and finesse of human translation, particularly in specialized fields such as legal or marketing. This issue raises fundamental questions about the cognitive capabilities of computers, their ability to grasp the meaning and context of a text, as well as the potential role of human translation in improving the quality of machine translations and resolving any ambiguities.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ&nbsp;: &nbsp;</strong><em>La traduction, en tant que vecteur de communication entre cultures et le transfert de connaissances, a évolué avec l'avènement de la traduction automatique, offrant rapidité, efficacité et économie. Cependant, cette avancée suscite des interrogations quant à sa capacité à égaler la précision et la finesse de la traduction humaine, notamment dans des domaines spécialisés tels que le juridique ou le marketing. Cette problématique soulève des questions fondamentales sur les capacités cognitives des ordinateurs, leur aptitude à saisir le sens et le contexte d'un texte, ainsi que sur le rôle potentiel de la traduction humaine dans l'amélioration de la qualité des traductions automatiques et la résolution des ambiguïtés</em> <em>éventuelles</em><em>.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Théâtre et traduction en Algérie coloniale et postcoloniale 2024-09-04T22:40:11+00:00 Rihab ALLOULA <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Theatrical translation played a significant role in the development and promotion of a national and popular theater in colonial and postcolonial Algeria. Prior to and following the independence, Algerian artists utilized a universal repertoire of texts that were translated and adapted for the stage. However, the practice of theatrical translation has been largely overlooked in research and publishing circles due to its heavy reliance on artistic productions. This article aims to examine the trajectory of this experience, which has been widely practiced in the theater and stage worlds but remains poorly documented. Translation has served as a valuable tool for these artists to establish an identity and style within a challenging socio-political context, rather than simply serving as a gateway to the wider world</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>La traduction théâtrale a joué en Algérie coloniale et postcoloniale un rôle majeur dans l’édification et la promotion d’un théâtre national et populaire. Les artistes algériens d’avant et d’après l’indépendance ont puisé dans le répertoire universel des textes qu’ils ont traduits et adapté en usant de la plus grande liberté. Pourtant, la traduction pour la scène était et reste encore fortement tributaire des productions artistiques, ce qui lui vaut un grand manque d’intérêt dans les milieux de la recherche et de l’édition. Cet article propose de retracer la trajectoire d’une expérience peu documentée bien que très pratiquée dans les milieux du théâtre et de la scène. Plus qu’une porte ouverte sur le monde, la traduction a été pour ces artistes un outil efficace pour se construire une identité et se forger un style dans un contexte sociopolitique souvent difficile.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Impact de l’intelligence artificielle (la traduction automatique) dans l’apprentissage des langues : cas du Tamazight 2024-09-04T22:40:07+00:00 Lydia GUERCHOUH Mehmet Hakkı Suçin <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>No field today can do without the assistance of new technologies. Information technology invades all sciences to the great benefit of researchers. While these tools tend to facilitate analyses, they are not without flaws. The use of artificial intelligence in linguistic studies is very recent and struggles to establish itself in methodological practices. Although partially mastered, its use is becoming increasingly frequent. Nowadays, almost all researchers occasionally or regularly resort to machine translation through Google Translate. This website provides translations of texts in several different languages. Our interest through this writing is to review the linguistic constraints and particularities of Tamazight that could affect the reliability of translations and thus assess the possibility of introducing Tamazight among the official languages of Google Translate. Our objective is to suggest preliminary alternatives by leveraging the shortcomings observed in translations into other languages. We aim to highlight translation situations that escape artificial intelligence and require intervention and reformulation of the source or target sentence. Furthermore, we will present the advantages of machine translation in the language learning process compared to other traditional learning systems.</em></p> <p><strong>RÉSUMÉ :</strong> <em>Aucun domaine ne peut de nos jours se passer de l’assistance des nouvelles technologies. L’informatique envahit toutes les sciences au grand intérêt du chercheur. Si ces outils ont tendance à faciliter les analyses, elles ne sont pas sans failles. L’utilisation de l’intelligence artificielle dans les études linguistiques est très récente et peine à s’installer dans les pratiques méthodologiques. Bien que partiellement maitrisée, son utilisation devient de plus en plus fréquente. De nos jours, presque tous les chercheurs ont occasionnellement ou régulièrement recours à la traduction automatique à travers Google traduction. Ce site web fournit des traductions de textes dans plusieurs langues différentes. Notre intérêt à travers cet écrit est de passer en revue les contraintes et particularités linguistiques du tamazight qui pourraient perturber la fiabilité des traductions et ainsi statuer sur l’éventualité de l’introduction de Tamazight parmi les langues officielles de Google translate. Notre objectif est de suggérer des alternatives en amant en se servant des insuffisances constatées à travers les traductions dans les autres langues. Nous visons à mettre en évidence les situations de traduction échappant à l’intelligence artificielle et nécessitant une intervention et une reformulation de la phrase source ou cible. Par ailleurs, nous exposerons les avantages de la traduction automatique dans le processus d’apprentissage des langues en l’opposant aux autres systèmes d’apprentissage classiques. </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Transcreation Flexibility with Hybrid Multilingualism in Algeria 2024-09-04T22:40:03+00:00 Lalia BELABDI <p><em>This study </em><em>aims to, first, track the origin of multilingualism phenomenon in Algeria, to identify its nature and status to the target audience. Second, it explores the flexibility of transcreation as a sophisticated technique of translation, to provide a baseline understanding of the transcreational act in translation field. In all, the study point uncovers the structural dimensions of translation via transcreation of the hybrid expression. In the theoretical section, the research collects scientific records of transcreation and projects them on the processing of the hybrid expression of multilingual nature by following the qualitative approach. In the practical section, the present study examines the transcreation of advertisements figures where code-mixing and code-switching practices are manifested to express hybrid multilingualism in the Algerian Daridja, as forms of content creation, concretised from the source-idea and the target expression poly-system. The results highlight the importance of understanding the mechanism of the target expression for its impact on the target audience and its capacity of generating content as forms of translation. The creation feature within transcreation technique helps building original contents with maximum flexibility. This study aims to cover the gap of ‘very little is known’ concerning the hybrid multilingualism nature and reality in Algeria, in order to enrich the literature regarding the identifiers of a society that seems somehow undiscovered to Academia folk. Moreover, the study contributes in the stability and the recognition of transcreation as a term and as an operating technique in translation academic studies and practices.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Professional Prospects for Translation / Interpreting Graduates in the Algerian Market 2024-09-04T22:40:00+00:00 Yasmine DAOUD <p><em>Since independence, the Algerian University was among the first universities to propose for students a translation and interpreting degree within the Institute of Translation. Over the years, the Institute has evolved to offer, in addition to the bachelor's degree, a master's and PhD degrees in translation. Once graduated, it is evident that students will try to immerse themselves in a wide-ranging job market. In this regard, we will seek in this article to give an overview of the potential professional opportunities available to students who have recently graduated in the aforesaid discipline, in an Algerian context characterized by the presence on the labor market of salaried translators, official translators, and freelance translators -also called freelancers. </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Imagology and Cultural Translation: How Are Images of Arab Youth Constructed and Translated? 2024-09-04T22:39:57+00:00 Meriam BENLAKDAR <p><em>In this paper, we aim to explore the usefulness of imagology as a working method as far as cultural translation is concerned. The significance of the study lies in investigating how imagology may help translators as cultural mediators understand discursive and representational conventions. To this end, we attempt to analyse the content of some English online articles randomly selected and their Arabic translation based on imagological approaches. The findings reveal that depictions of young Arabs vary according to the underlying contexts. They are often characterised by overgeneralisations, ingrained stereotypes and broad prejudices. Society, religion, and Arab Spring movements often influence youth representations. Contextual and textual analyses as part of imagological approaches play a central role in the selection, understanding, decision-making, and reception stages. Imagological tools can explain and highlight textual, discursive, semantic, representational, and translational choices as well as functions and characteristics of various imagotypes and topos.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) The Impact of Computer Assisted Translation (CAT) Tools on Translator Training 2024-09-04T22:39:53+00:00 Faiza BOUKHELEF <p><em>In recent years, the field of translation has been greatly influenced by advances in computer-assisted translation tools. These tools have not only revolutionized the translation process but also significantly impacted translator training. The integration of technology into the translator's toolkit has reshaped the way translators work and the skills they should succeed in the modern translation industry. This article investigates the increasing influence of computer-assisted translation tools on translator training and its implications for the future of the profession. The aim of this paper is to explore to what extent the development of CAT (computer-assisted translation) tools affects the environment of professional translators and the areas of teaching and learning. This research delves into the growing impact of CAT tools on translator training, including the evolving skills required by professional translators and the changing landscape of the translation industry. In addition, this paper investigates the implications of CAT tools on teaching and learning in the field of translation, focusing on how these tools shape the curriculum and pedagogy of translation programs. This exploration will provide valuable insights into the intersection of technology and translation, offering a comprehensive understanding of the effects of CAT tools on professional translators and the education and training of future translators.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Summary Translation Cognitive Process (Academic Training for Cost-effective Professional Achievement) 2024-09-04T22:38:52+00:00 Leila BOUKHEMIS <p><em>This study aimed to highlight the significance of Summary translation in academic and professional contexts. We introduced a brief definition of other types of translations to make out the dissimilarity, and then we focused on Summary translation within a full process through three samples. The first ones embody professional situations from Public service and Industrial fields of application, the third one is delivered as an academic general text. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the contribution of Summary translation in developing the analytical/synthetical skills of the students through a cognitive process handled by the Interpretive Theory of Translation. The findings determined the significant contribution of a Summary translation in preparing the students to the job market; we also pointed out the behavior of students towards a Summary translation compared to a full transfer, and how to settle any related issue. Accordingly, we proposed a well-structured method to conduct a practical course in the classroom, and we ended by sustaining the use of Summary translation in the job market, for it increases the material and immaterial income of the employers and the employees.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) A Proposed Model for Grammar Instruction to EFL Adult Learners: The Case of Second-Year Students at Biskra University 2024-09-04T22:38:49+00:00 Nadjette MOUSSAOUI Saliha CHELLI <p><em>Due to the importance of learners’ beliefs towards language learning success in general and grammar learning in specific, the present paper seeks to gauge EFL students’ beliefs about the different types of grammar instruction. To </em><em>this end</em><em>, a quantitative descriptive method was adopted, using a questionnaire administered to 95 Algerian EFL students who enrolled in the second year at the Department of English, Mohamed Khidher University. The findings revealed that the students have positive attitudes </em><em>toward</em><em> the role grammar plays in language learning; however, they express mixed reactions towards both inductive and deductive grammar instruction, where most of the participants prefer the direct deductive approach. Such findings drive us to propose a model based on the experiential learning theory to correct some EFL learners' misconceptions about their learning, a shift from a teacher-</em><em>centered</em><em> approach to a learner-</em><em>centered</em><em> approach, to promote learner autonomy<strong>.</strong></em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Learners’ Views on PBL-based Instruction of Literary Texts in the EFL Classroom 2024-09-04T22:38:46+00:00 Mountassar-Billah KELLIL Nawal KHELALFA <p><em>The current descriptive study aimed to explore learners’ attitudes towards Problem-Based Learning (PBL) and the extent to which they considered it to be successful in developing various skills. A survey measuring various aspects of PBL was administered to 31 third year student of EFL at the University of Abbes Laghrour in Khenchela after a 10-week experiment of PBL-based instruction. Students’ responses have revealed that PBL-based instruction was effective in developing various skills within the literary texts classroom. Students felt that they improved in terms of overall ability to learn collaboratively, their willingness to share knowledge, their ability to apply new knowledge, and more. Implications include an incorporation of PBL in literary texts classes can promote an engaging learning environment, reinforcing a sense of ownership of one’s learning</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Teachers’ Classroom Interactional Competence: An Analysis in Micro-Contexts of Teacher-Class Interaction 2024-09-04T22:38:43+00:00 Asma AZIZ Samira ARAR <p><em>Creating learning opportunities depends to a greater extent on classroom interaction, in which learning is maximised when teachers demonstrate classroom interactional competence (CIC). This article investigates how EFL Algerian teachers manifest CIC in the co-construction of talk-in- interaction. It addresses three core objectives: firstly, it examines teachers' use of mode-convergent language. Secondly, it analyses the interactional resources deployed by teachers to manage creating interactional space. Finally, it identifies the ways teachers shape their learners’ contributions. A qualitative research was adopted, and the data were collected through the use of video-recording and field notes at a private language institute in Sétif, Algeria. The findings revealed that teachers manifested CIC in different classroom micro-contexts but failed, in many occasions, to use mode-convergent language and to provide interactional space in the “Classroom Context” mode. To shape learners’ contributions, the findings uncovered the use of a range of interactional resources. However, differing from previous studies, the findings unveiled the use of humour as a resource that stimulated students’ further engagement in the discourse. Implications to teacher education are discussed as well.&nbsp; </em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Evaluation of Distance Education at the Algerian University from the Students’ Perspective: Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Oran 2 as a Model 2024-09-04T22:38:40+00:00 Assia BAKHTAOUI Amel HACHEM <p><em>Distance education spread at the Algerian university with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, that is, in the year 2020, and it was then accompanied by hybrid education, meaning a combination of distance education and in-person education. Moreover, Distance education was the most important means of practising the learning process, not only in the university environment, but even in the field of primary, middle, and secondary education, and this is in all countries of the world, but the means and methods were different and were numerous. This process, i.e. distance education, has faced many difficulties, including material and moral, on the part of teachers and students, especially with the beginning of its spread in Algerian universities. Therefore, This study aims to measure the extent of university students’ satisfaction with distance education at the Algerian University through a field study at the level of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Oran 2, Mohammed bin Ahmed, using a paper form. The sample included 150 students of both genders.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Rhetorical and Ideological Strategies in Campaign Jingles on Osun 2022 Gubernatorial Election 2024-09-04T22:38:37+00:00 Folorunso Emannuel AWONIYI Ismail Olaitan AFOLABI Richard Damilare AKANO <p><em>The 2022 governorship election in Osun State is one of the most discussed political developments in Nigeria and has only received passing coverage in national dailies. In this study, we explored the rhetorical and ideological strategies in selected political jingles used during the exercise. The investigation was based on the eclectic consideration of Aristotle’s rhetoric genres, Van Dijk's ideological structures and speech act theory. The descriptive qualitative study examined six campaign jingles broadcast on Rave 91.7 FM, including those of the All Progressive Congress (APC), the People's Democratic Party (PDP), and the Accord Party. The jingles were evaluated through pragmatic and critical discourse analysis lenses. The study revealed how rhetorical techniques such as negative other-representation of political opponents, foregrounding achievements through evidentiality, reliance on political ethos, allusion and appeal to citizens' plights, and appeal to voters' logic and reason were used in the examined jingles. It highlighted that the rhetorical categories were quoted in epideictic, deliberative and forensic persuasive frames, and were indexed by illocutionary acts of warning, advising, pleading, promising, assuring, disclaiming, rejecting, boasting, and praising. Overall, lexicalisation, comparison, actor description, inference, and disclaimer were employed to elevate the status of the in-group while diminishing the status of contending political parties, as the parties involved locked horns over the control of the state</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Questioning the Democratic Legitimacy of the Brexit Referendum 2016 2024-09-04T22:38:03+00:00 Rouza ESSEGHIER Houari MIRED <p><em>In light of the substantial shift toward popular decision-making mechanisms in Western European polities, a comprehensive analysis is imperative to evaluate the democratic legitimacy of these devices, with particular emphasis on referendums. These instruments entrust voters with the resolutions of significant constitutional matters that their political leaders have been unable to address. The present research centres upon the 2016 EU referendum in Britain as a case study, given its criticism for lacking a genuine democratic process and being subject to particular media agenda. The research methodology predominantly adopts a qualitative approach, with the analysis structured around the theoretical framework of deliberative democracy. Various deliberative elements, such as the distribution of information and media coverage throughout the entire process, form the basis of the analysis. While the ideal envisioned by this deliberative theory is the attainment of well-discussed and informed decisions reflective of the citizens’ common good, the findings of the analysis revealed a contrary outcome.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Spatio-topia, Space and Sensation in Joe Sacco’s Footnotes in Gaza 2024-09-04T22:37:59+00:00 Tahani BEKAKRA Halima BENZOUKH <p><em>The present paper explores the potency of the spatio-topical system of Joe Sacco’s Footnotes in Gaza in (re)tracing the historical events that happened and still happen in the war zone of Gaza without being reductive to the importance of the testimonial culture that is based on listening to and engaging with the different recounts of the Gazan survivors from the 1956 Khan Younis and Rafah killings and the present horrible moments of destruction, dispersion and oppression. For this purpose, this paper embraces Thierry Groensteen’s concept of ‘spatio-topia’ that denotes the systematic distribution of the space on the graphic page in order to give the graphic aesthetic, the driving force of reading. Therefore, graphic spatio-topia configures the conceptual form of the story world that allows the reader to participate spatially and sensationally in Sacco’s journalistic investigations through its different tools like the panel and its frame with their spatio-topical parameters of the form, the seize and its site. The systematic operativity of the graphic spatio-topical elements of Footnotes in Gaza promotes a flexible and a meaningful flow of the graphic narrative and transports the reader to the graphic space where he develops a spatialized history and a dense web of sensations like belief and pain</em>.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Musings on the Confluence of Drama and Society 2024-09-04T22:37:56+00:00 Khedidja CHERGUI <p><em>With a ‘transhistorical’ approach and a ‘selective appropriateness’ of playtexts and literature traditions, this article muses on the confluence of society and dramatic expression. Drama, compared to novel writing and poetry, remains, as it has always been, a powerful tool of social critique. From Greek and ancient Chinese and Indian drama forms which meditated with both the heroic and downtrodden, to the contemporary world stage that ponders with highly diverse identities and politically charged world scene, playwrighting still maintains its dialogue with society and its ever-shifting trajectories. The article argues that, in response to a constantly changing human condition, drama can be subversive, counter-discursive, or revolutionary in impulse, as it can be produced as an aesthetic space to explore the convergence of intimate and social life forms, and reconcile division.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Posthuman Bodies in the Making: Woman and Technology in The Girl Who Was Plugged In 2024-09-04T22:37:53+00:00 Soumia OURNID Houaria CHAAL <p><em>It has long been thought of ‘a world governed by technology’ as part of an unreached future. Nevertheless, the current reality is, in many aspects, a manifestation of what the works of science fiction once foresaw. The rapprochement between the content of this genre and its reification begs the question of survival, or rather, the shape of survival in a technological world. Hence, this article is an endeavor to reflect the influence of technology demonstrated in James Tiptree Jr.’s The Girl Who Was Plugged In (1973) on reality. To reach this end, the novella is regarded from a posthumanist prism with the aim of speculating the meaning and the making of the female mind and body in the Age of Machine. The paper also evokes aspects from the feminist and Marxist schools in relating facts with fiction to reflect upon the speculative dimension of the science fiction genre insofar as the schools provide a profound insight into the realistic social features that can be found in literary texts. The textual analysis reveals that technology feeds humans’ superficiality towards the female consciousness and physique, which is manifested in areas related to beauty standards, consumption, and love, and interferes with redefining the human by detaching the mind from the body.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Narrative Consciousness and Character Psychology in James Joyce’s “Eveline” 2024-09-04T22:37:50+00:00 Fatima Zahra BESSEDIK <p><em>This study holds an interest in the short story “Eveline” by James Joyce as a psychological story that projects a realistic description of an individual’s complex thoughts at moments of decision. A nineteen-year-old woman, Eveline stands by a window in her room watching the evening and listening to passing footsteps but meanwhile brings into her mind memories and thoughts about herself and her family, past, present, and future. By using the psychological theories of Sigmund Freud of the conscious and the unconscious, this article endeavors to elucidate Joyce’s narration of Eveline’s stream of consciousness as she decides to elope with her lover Frank. While representing the character’s psychological structure graphically, I demonstrate that her psychic activity consists of repressed energy and of activity of all levels of consciousness. Finally, this study ultimately presents a feminist and materialist analysis of “Eveline” that projects the conditions of early twentieth- century Dublin.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Civil Religion in the Discourse of Frederick Douglass 2024-09-04T22:37:48+00:00 Souad BAGHLI BERBAR <p><em>The concept of “civil religion” harks back to the works of Jean Jacques Rousseau and Emile Durkheim but its significance in United States context has been pointed out by Robert Bellah in his 1967 seminal article “Civil Religion in America”. In his analysis of famous speeches and writings by American politicians and thinkers, Bellah contended that religious language is a major feature of American rhetoric and that civic consciousness in the US is shaped by metaphors and ideas about God and Christian religion in general. The present paper examines the relevance of the concept in the field of African-American literature where it has remained largely unaddressed despite the bulk of African-American political speeches and their religious rhetoric. It seeks to unravel the religious dimension of Frederick Douglass’s discourse in its relation to American civil religion. Through a close reading not only of Douglass’s speeches but also of his autobiographies, notably The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, and of his historical novel The Heroic Slave, it purports to highlight how Douglass at once relates to mainstream American civil religion and departs from its dominating white male discourse.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Ideological Discourse Analysis of On-Screen Discourse on Terrorism 2024-09-04T22:37:45+00:00 Zoulaikha ELBAH <p><em>The purpose of the current study is to shed light on the representation of Arabs and Muslims in Hollywood on-screen discourse on terrorism. It seeks to answer, especially, three main questions: What is the difference, if any, between pre- and post- 9/11 representation of Arabs and Muslims? Does post- 9/11 on-screen discourse reflect true experiences of soldiers in battlefields? And how is Islam perceived by westerners? To analyse the on-screen discourse, we have adopted Van Dijk’s model of Ideological Discourse Analysis. The chosen data consider pre-and post- 9/11 attacks. As such, it comprises six films before and after this event. The analysis of on-screen discourse reveals that after 9/11 attacks, there has been a shift from a comical representation to a serious one. Also, post- 9/11 on-screen discourse on terrorism either depicts or simulates true experiences of American soldiers in battlefields. Besides, Islam is represented as a threatening radical ideology against a peaceful world.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Discourse as an Essentially Contested Concept in Media Studies: From the Correct Use to the Abstract Concept 2024-09-04T22:37:42+00:00 Abdelhak BOUIFER Djamila KADEM <p><em>The issue of concepts formation has always been at the centre of debate among scholars in media and communication studies. This paper is an attempt to introduce the general principles of Gallie's essentially contested concepts in the light of the widespread use of concept misunderstanding in this field of research where discourse is of central importance to researchers. We argue that the present essay explores primarily the option of placing more attention on theorizing rather than on theory. Accordingly, this article does seek to address the concepts of discourse in the established schools of discourse analysis within Gallie's framework aiming at settling the conflict over discourse by constructing epistemological bridge with Sartori's ladder of abstraction to overcome the problem of essential contestedness in media and communication studies.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) El fenómeno migratorio en el cine: Flores de otro mundo (Icíar Bollaín Pérez-Mínguez, 1999) 2024-09-04T22:37:39+00:00 Fatima Zohra MAHDI <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>T</em><em>he issue of immigration represents a phenomenon of great importance.&nbsp; Although there was tourism, and the arrival of individuals with different objectives; tourist, economic and labour motives, it has created a new social dimension.&nbsp; Cinema is one of the artistic media that has responded to this change by developing the immigration movement through moving stories (use of photographic images) depicting characters in the context of immigration, thus often referred to as "immigration" or "immigrant" cinema.&nbsp; In this cinematic environment, the aim of filmmakers and directors is to allude to social themes and content such as immigration. Therefore, this article aims to address the issue of migration from a cinematographic point of view; by studying how different migratory actions and situations are represented through the art of the screen. Through the social issues dealt with in Flowers from another world, we intend to discover how the phenomenon of migration is presented within its cinematographic context, the latter being a cultural product that partly reflects aspects of society.</em></p> <p><strong>RESUMEN:</strong> <em>El tema de la migración representa un fenómeno de gran importancia.&nbsp; Aunque existía el&nbsp; turismo, y la llegada de individuos con objetivos distintos; motivos turísticos, económicos y laborales, este ha creado una nueva dimensión social. <strong>&nbsp;</strong>El cine es uno de los medios artísticos que ha respondido a este cambio desarrollando el movimiento de la inmigración a través de historias en movimiento (uso de imágenes fotografiadas) representado a personajes en el contexto de la inmigración, por ello suele denominar ese tipo de cine&nbsp; “cine de inmigración” o “de inmigrantes”.&nbsp; En este ambiente cinematográfico, la finalidad de los cineastas y directores reside en aludir a temas y contenidos sociales tal como la inmigración. Pues, el presente artículo pretende abordar el tema de la migración desde un punto de vista cinematográfico; estudiando cómo se&nbsp; representan las diferentes acciones y situaciones migratorias a través del arte de la pantalla. A través de las cuestiones sociales tratadas en Flores de otro mundo pretendemos descubrir cómo se plantea el fenómeno de migración dentro de su contexto cinematográfico, siendo este último&nbsp; es un producto cultural que refleja en parte aspectos de la sociedad.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Análisis tipológico de los textos del manual de ELE Aula internacional Plus 3 2024-09-04T22:37:35+00:00 Hadjer CHENNI <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>In this article we are going to elaborate a typological analysis of the written and oral texts of the learner's manual of Spanish as a foreign language Aula internacional Plus 3 published in 2021, proposed by the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages and corresponding to the intermediate level B1 with the aim of establishing the origin of the texts, the typological sequence, the thematic content and the linguistic and communicative skills that can be activated or developed from the reception of the texts. Therefore, in order to carry out our analysis, we will apply the quantitative and qualitative study method.</em></p> <p><strong>RESUMEN:</strong><em> En el presente artículo vamos a elaborar un análisis tipológico de los textos tanto escritos como orales del manual del alumno de español como lengua extranjera Aula internacional Plus 3, publicado en 2021, propuesto por el Marco Común Europeo de Referencia para las lenguas y que corresponde al nivel intermedio B1 con el objetivo de establecer la proveniencia de los textos, la secuencia tipológica, el contenido temático y las destrezas lingüísticas y comunicativas que se pueden activar o desarrollar a partir de la recepción de los textos. Por lo tanto, para llevar a cabo nuestro análisis, aplicaremos el método de estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) La valutazione dell’espressione orale nell’insegnamento dell’italiano come LS al liceo in Algeria 2024-09-04T22:37:32+00:00 Narimane CHEBAIKI Merouane ADDOU <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>&nbsp;</em><em>Any activity carried out by humans in various fields of life requires pausing to verify the progress made and to identify the types of problems that may have negatively impacted the results of this activity. In the educational field, the assessment of student learning is an important phase in the teaching/learning process. Every teaching act should be evaluated to possibly make adjustments or corrections, and in language teaching, where the aim is to enable students to master communicative competence, the student has the opportunity to communicate progress, difficulties, and needs. Therefore, assessment is a continuous process in all various educational activities.</em></p> <p><strong>RIASSUNTO:</strong> <em>Qualsiasi attività svolta dall'uomo nei vari campi della vita, richiede di soffermarsi a verificare i progressi compiuti, e identificare il tipo di problemi che potrebbero aver influito negativamente sui risultati di questa attività. In ambito educativo, la valutazione dell’apprendimento dello studente è una fase importante nel processo di insegnamento/apprendimento. Ogni atto didattico dovrebbe essere valutato per poter eventualmente prendere delle decisioni di aggiustamento o di recupero e nell’insegnamento delle lingue straniere in cui si mira a far padroneggiare agli studenti la competenza comunicativa, e attraverso essa, lo studente ha la possibilità di comunicare i progressi, le proprie difficoltà, i bisogni. La valutazione pertanto è un processo continuo in tutte le varie attività educative.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Rappresentazioni dell’ italiano in Algeria: studio sociolinguistico delle insegne commerciali presenti nei negozi delle città dell’Est algerino 2024-09-04T22:37:29+00:00 Saliha HAMROUNI Nabila LARBI <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>In this contribution, we relate social space and urban writing through the analysis of commercial signs written in Italian in Algeria, particularly in the cities of Eastern Algeria. The signs were collected from various cities due to the difficulty of gathering a significant number from just one inhabited area. A Facebook group was created to collect our corpus. A fairly large number of signs were captured with a digital camera. Our interest is to describe, classify, and analyse some emerging semi-linguistic and socio-linguistic phenomena of linguistic contact. Additionally, it focuses particularly on the choice of language and the arrangement of languages on these signs. We have tried to address issues of meaning conveyed by the writing of commercial signs, knowing that they are numerous and challenging for a precise and detailed analysis.</em></p> <p><strong>RIASSUNTO:</strong> <em>In questo contributo, mettiamo in relazione lo spazio sociale e la scrittura urbana attraverso l’analisi delle insegne commerciali scritte in italiano in Algeria ma soprattutto le città dell’Est&nbsp; Algerino. Le insegne sono state raccolte da diverse città&nbsp;&nbsp; dal fatto che risulta&nbsp; difficile &nbsp;raccoglierne un numero considerevole soltanto da&nbsp; una zona abitata. Un gruppo su Facebook è stato creato per raccogliere il nostro corpus. Un numero abbastanza importante delle insegne è stato&nbsp; catturato con una fotocamera digitale . Il nostro interesse è&nbsp; di descrivere, classificare e analizzare alcuni emergenti semi- linguistici e socio- linguistici fatti di contatto linguistico inoltre, si concentra in modo particolare sulla scelta della lingua e la disposizione delle lingue </em><em>in</em><em> queste insegne. Abbiamo cercato di affrontare problemi di significato veicolati dalla scrittura del segno commerciale e sappiamo che&nbsp; sono numerosi e difficili per un’analisi precisa e dettagliata.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) DaF-Unterricht mit kulturellen Inhalten: Algerische Serie adaptiert und synchronisiert 2024-09-04T22:37:26+00:00 Bouchra ABOURA <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Project-based learning is of great importance for German as a foreign language (DaF) instruction, as it allows learners to practice their language skills and intercultural competence in purposeful activities in a hands-on way. This article presents an innovative project for DaF instruction, in which DaF students from the German department of the University of Oran2 will translate and synchronize an episode of the Algerian series "Achour 10" into German. The challenge of taking on the roles of the characters in "Achour 10" and adapting the dialogues into German and then performing them synchronously is a challenge for students, but it is a practical way to promote individual competence development in a collaborative way. This oral presentation activity demonstrates the fluency and pronunciation of DaF students and encourages them to communicate cultural differences in a dialogue. This article describes the process of the different phases, as well as the strategies for implementing the project proposed by the teaching team.</em></p> <p><strong>ZUSAMMENFASSUNG:</strong><em> Die Ausführung von Projektarbeiten ist für den DaF-Unterricht von einer großen Bedeutung, dadurch haben die Lernenden die Möglichkeit, ihre Sprachkenntnisse und ihre interkulturelle Kompetenz in zweckmäßigen Aktivitäten handlungsorientiert zu trainieren. In diesem Beitrag wird ein innovatives Projekt für den DaF-Unterricht vorgestellt, bei dem DaF-Studierende aus der Deutschabteilung der Universität Oran2 eine Folge der algerischen Serie „Achour 10“ ins Deutsche übersetzen und synchronisieren werden. Die Schwierigkeit die Rollen der Serie „Achour 10“ bzw. die Stimmen zu übernehmen und die ins Deutsche zu adaptieren und dann sie synchron zu spielen stellt in diesem Projekt eine Herausforderung für Studierenden aber eine praktische Weise die individuelle Kompetenzentwicklung in einer kollaborativen Weise zu fördern. Diese mündliche Präsentationsaktivität demonstriert die Geläufigkeit und Aussprache der DaF-Studierenden und fordert sie auf, kulturelle Besonderheiten in einem Dialog zu kommunizieren. Dieser Artikel beschreibt den Ablaufprozess der verschiedenen Phasen, sowie die Strategien zur Durchführung des Projekts, die vom Lehrerteam vorgeschlagen wurden.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Lernstrategien und autonomes Lernen Eine empirische Untersuchung der Lernstrategien bei algerischen Studenten an der Universität Oran 2 2024-09-04T22:37:22+00:00 Fatima Zahra SEFIANE <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>Autonomous learning means that one carries out the entire learning process independently. It refers to the learner and their ability to learn independently and responsibly, while it is the teacher's task to promote this through certain learning methods. Example: learning methods. Learning strategies or learning methods refer to autonomous learning or independent learning. Teachers have the task of helping and supporting learners in their learning autonomy, which means they must practice certain competencies in the classroom. In this case, learners are forced to use learning techniques or procedures to improve and control their foreign language learning. Thanks to learning strategies, cooperative learning techniques could deliver successful and satisfactory results in lessons. The goal is to continuously promote independent learning.</em></p> <p><strong>ZUSAMMENFASSUNG:</strong> <em>Autonomes Lernen bedeutet, dass man den gesamten Lernprozess selbstständig durchführt, es bezieht sich auf den Lernenden und seine Fähigkeit selbstständig und eigenverantwortlich zu lernen, wobei es Aufgabe des Lehrers ist, diese durch bestimmte Lernformen zu fördern. Beispiel: Lernmethoden. Mit den Lernstrategien bzw. Lernmethoden meint man das autonome Lernen bzw. das selbständige Lernen. Die Lehrer haben die Aufgabe, den Lernenden bei der Lernerautonomie zu helfen und sie zu unterstützen, das heißt, sie müssen in der Klasse einige Kompetenzen üben. Die Lernenden sind in diesem Fall gezwungen, Lerntechniken bzw. Verfahren zu gebrauchen, um ihr fremdsprachliches Lernen zu verbessern, und zu kontrollieren. Dank Lernstrategien könnten zusammenwirkende Lerntechniken erfolgreiche und zufriedenstellende Ergebnisse im Unterricht liefern, das Ziel besteht darin, das selbständige Lernen stets zu fördern.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Imeskilen n wuẓu asnirman di tmaziɣt 2024-09-04T22:37:18+00:00 Khoudir OUICHER Abdelaziz BERKAI <p><strong>ABSTRACT</strong><strong>:</strong> <em>To properly evaluate terminology planning work in a particular field of knowledge, a terminology implantation study is necessary. In Tamazight, teaching is the most appropriate field for this kind of study. Indeed, the teaching of Tamazight, particularly in its first three levels under national education (primary, middle and secondary), is entirely provided in Tamazight. To evaluate and understand the process of implantation of terms, we have tried to show in this study the variables which slow down as well as those which contribute to the implantation of terms in Tamazight. To do this, we adopted a socioterminological approach. But before that, and to identify the implantation variables in Tamazight, we have tried to sketch a brief history of the implantation variables resulting from terminological surveys undertaken throughout the world. Also, to identify the quantitative variables and measure the coefficients of implantation of the terms, we opted for terminometry. </em></p> <p><strong>AGZUL: </strong>Uẓu<em> asnirman d asurif agejdan i d-tewwi ad yili deg yal taɣult akken ad nektazel aseggem asnirman. Di tmaziɣt, anagar aselmed i d-ibanen d taɣult iɣef nezmer ad nsenned tazrawt n wuẓu asnirman, acku yettili-d uselmed s tmaziɣt kan ladɣa deg yigzumen n usegmi aɣelnaw (aɣerbaz amenzu, alemmas d usnawi). Deg tezrawt-a, neɛreḍ ad d-nesken ama d imeskilen i d-izeggen d ugur ama d wid i d-idezzun deg wuẓu asnirman di tmaziɣt akken ad negzu taguri d wuẓu n yirman deg taɣult-a. Aya, s tallelt n usastan i d-nheyya d yiselmaden n tmaziɣt. D asami asnirmetti i neḍfer deg tezrawt-a. Dɣa, akken ad nessiweḍ ad d-naf imeskilen n wuẓu asnirman di tmaziɣt, neɛreḍ ad d-neglem imeskilen n wuẓu d yigmaḍ n tsastanin tisnirmanin deg umaḍal. I tifin n yimeskilen n tesmekta, nsenned ɣef tektiremt i wakken ad d-naf imuskiren n yirman.</em></p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) توظيف التّراث في القصّة القصيرة جدّا العربية مقاربة في نماذج مختارة 2024-09-04T22:37:15+00:00 Abdallah BENSEFIA <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>The use of heritage in the very short story has a unique textual value, since its presence within differs from other literary genres; given the nature of the text in size on the one hand, and its artistic features in form and meaning on the other one. Interaction with heritage in a text with intense meaning based on the linguistic symbol and the semantic suggestion. It gives the reader different characteristics, such as deletion and brevity, change and modification, not to mention the different nature of reproducing meaning while the act of reading. Through this work, we attempt to explore the manifestations of heritage in the text of the Arabic very short story, the patterns of its use in it, and its semantic function, by approaching a different group of texts in order to reach comprehensive results. This will achieved while restricting the terminology and expanding the basic concepts.</em>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>الملخص:</strong> يكتسي توظيف التّراث في القصة القصيرة جدا قيمة نصّية فريدة، إذ يختلف حضوره فيها عن باقي الأجناس الأدبية الأخرى، وذلك بالنّظر إلى طبيعة النّص حجما من جهة، ومميزاته الفنّية تشكّلا ودلالة من جهة أخرى، فالتّفاعل مع التّراث في نصّ مكثّف المعنى، يقوم على الرّمز اللّغوي والإيحاء الدّلالي، يكسب المتشرَّب صفات مغايرة، حذفًا وإيجازا، تغييرًا وتحويرًا، ناهيك عن طبيعة إعادة إنتاج المعنى المختلفة عند فعل القراءة. وسنحاول من خلال هذا المنجز استشفاف تمظهرات التّراث في نصّ القصة القصيرة جدّا العربية، وأنماط توظيفه فيها، ووظيفيّته دلاليًّا، وذلك من خلال مقاربة مجموعةٍ مختلفة من النّصوص بغية الوصول إلى نتائج كلّية، وسيتمّ ذلك بعد التّقعيد للمصطلحات والبسْط للمفاهيم الأساسيّة</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) صورة الآخر في المنجز الروائي لمليكة مقدم تمظهرات المركز والهامش 2024-09-04T22:37:12+00:00 Samira GAROUI <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong><em> The concept of "the Other" is intensely present in the writings of Malika Mokeddem, manifesting as the foreigner, the close one, the lover, and the friend, whether as a central figure or a marginal one. This diverse representation contributes to varying perspectives and highlights the stance on the vital features of society, its human formations, hierarchical structures, and its political, social, and especially cultural systems in postmodern discourses. This research employs cultural criticism to observe the manifestations of the relationship with "the Other" in the novel "My Men" and the techniques that expose the implicit cultural patterns that direct this social hierarchy. The research findings reveal that the novel seeks to rearrange positions and distribute roles to place itself at a central point that moves the Other as a silent follower. In a further act of defiance, the work is not merely a fictional novel but an autobiographical one, expressing a strong desire to make this fiction a reality, thus challenging the political and religious authorities and the Arab social system.</em></p> <p><strong>الملخص:</strong> يحضر الآخر في كتابات مليكة مقدم بشكل مكثّف فهو الأجنبي، وهو القريب والحبيب والصديق مركزا كان أو هامشا، واستثمار هذا الاستحضار المتنوّع يسهم في تنويع زاوية الرؤية، وإبراز الموقف من الملامح الحيوية للمجتمع وتشكيلاته البشرية، وبنياته التراتبية، ونظمه السياسية والاجتماعية وبخاصة الثقافية في الخطابات ما بعد الحداثية. وينطلق هذا البحث من مقولات النقد الثقافي هادفا إلى رصد تمظهرات علاقتها بالآخر في رواية "رجالي"، والفنيات التي عرّت بها الأنساق الثقافية المضمرة الموجِهة لهذه التراتبية الاجتماعية، وقد بيّنت نتائج البحث أنها كانت تعمد إلى إعادة ترتيب المواقع وتوزيع المهام، لتتموقع في مركز جوهري يحرّك الآخر كتابع مغيّب الصوت، وأنها إمعانا منها في التحدي لا تجعل العمل تخييلا روائيا بحتا بل عملا سيرذاتيا، معلنة رغبة قوية في جعل هذا التخييل بكل تفاصيله واقعا، تحقيقا لرغبة مناوشة السلطة السياسية والدينية، والمنظومة الاجتماعية العربية.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) اللسانياّت الحاسوبيّة، والمعالجة الآليّة للّغات الطّبيعيّة تمهيد، وتأصيل 2024-09-04T22:37:09+00:00 Djamila GHRIEB <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>This article falls under the framework of computational linguistics, which is one of the most active and effective interdisciplinary sciences. </em><em>This is due to its numerous applications and broad concepts that pave the way for the advent of a new era characterized by the simulation of human intelligence for various human functions, particularly linguistic ones. The main approach involves the automated processing of natural languages and the creation of diverse computational linguistic applications that serve</em> <em>humanity</em>.</p> <p><strong>الملخص:</strong> ينضوي هذا المقال تحت إطار اللسانيات الحاسوبيّة، التي تعد من العلوم البينية الأكثر نشاطا وفاعليّة، نظرا لما تنماز به من تطبيقات عديدة، وتصورات واسعة تمهد لميلاد عهد جديد، قوامه محاكاة الذكاء البشريّ، لمختلف وظائف الإنسان ولا سيما اللسانية منها، سبيله في ذلك المعالجة الآلية للغات الطّبيعية، وإنتاج مختلف التطبيقات اللسانية الحاسوبية&nbsp; التي تخدم البشرية</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) دور المقاربة النصية في تجاوز صعوبات التعلم وتحقيق التمرس اللغوي 2024-09-04T22:37:05+00:00 Karima BENSEGHIR Yasmine HAMDI BACHA Farouk SOLTANI <p><strong>ABSTRACT:</strong> <em>This study aimed to highlight the textual approach, which emerged in conjunction with the competency approach, in light of the general context of the education system, which has experienced several educational reforms, and tried through it to overcome the gaps left by the previous approaches. Thus, it made the textual approach a learning method for presenting the text, in order to extract from the learning process features that appear at the end of each educational phase, resulting in an improvement in the linguistic faculty of the learner, proficient in reading and writing.</em></p> <p><strong>الملخص:</strong> &nbsp;سعينا في هذه الورقة العلمية لتقديم رؤية عن المقاربة النصية، التي تزامن ظهورها مع انتهاج المقاربة بالكفاءات، في ظل سياق عام عرفته المنظومة التربية، التي شهدت عدة إصلاحات تربوية، سعت من خلالها لتجاوز الثغرات التي خلفتها المناهج السابقة، فجعلت من المقاربة النصية طريقة تعلمية لتقديم النص، حتى تحقق من العملية التعلمية ملامح تخرج في نهاية كل طور تعليمي، ينجر عنها تحسن في الملكة اللغوية للمتعلم، يتقن استخدامها قراءة وكتابة.</p> 2024-06-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c)