The HR approach, a lever for the professional integration of young Algerian graduates: The case of Candia Tchin Lait

  • Bilal Brachouche PhD student, University of Oran2, Algeria
Keywords: Socio-professional inclusion, young graduates, Sustainable insertion, Algeria, Candia Tchin Lait


Algeria is facing a high rate of youth unemployment, which represents a vulnerable population particularly affected by this phenomenon. In this context, the case study of Candia Tchin Lait, an Algerian dairy company, is of particular interest for shedding light on the theme of socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable populations. The study highlights the strengths of the model deployed by Candia Tchin Lait, including an active policy of continuous training and internal mobility. Thanks to these levers, the company is able to develop the employability of its employees in the long term and to stabilize them sustainably in employment. This inclusive HR approach is thus an effective complement to public policies, which are often limited by their lack of coordination with local economic realities. It now appears necessary to generalize these good practices to other Algerian companies, and to strengthen the consultation between public and private actors.


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How to Cite
Brachouche, B. (2023). The HR approach, a lever for the professional integration of young Algerian graduates: The case of Candia Tchin Lait. Advanced Research in Economics and Business Strategy Journal, 4(2), 23-31.