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Number of reviewers  (As of January 2024)  582 

The reviewers are invited by the Editor-in-Chief or an Associate Editor directly via email. The invitations are sent through the ASJP platform, and reviewers will receive a notification via email to join as a reviewer (accept or refuse). If they do not already have an ASJP account, the platform will automatically create one for them and send a password (which can be changed). If they already have an account, they can use the same one. Authors, reviewers, and editors only need one account on the ASJP platform, and their roles can be changed within the same account depending on their role and the selected journal.

- To create an ASJP account: https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/signup
- To log in (if already registered): https://www.asjp.cerist.dz/en/login

In order to ensure a smooth and efficient review process, all reviewers must have accounts on the ASJP platform, where they will receive the articles and peer review them directly through the platform. In addition to completing the review form available on the ASJP system, reviewers are also required to attach the Manuscript Review Form to the ASJP submission.

The journal follows a double-blind review process to maintain the anonymity of both reviewers and authors. Our peer reviewers are expected to adhere to the COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers when handling manuscripts for ALTRALANG Journal

Tutorial videos

[ASJP] Reviewer / Peer Review Process

[ASJP] Reviewer / Peer Review Process : Papers with reservation