Summary Translation Cognitive Process (Academic Training for Cost-effective Professional Achievement)

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This study aimed to highlight the significance of Summary translation in academic and professional contexts. We introduced a brief definition of other types of translations to make out the dissimilarity, and then we focused on Summary translation within a full process through three samples. The first ones embody professional situations from Public service and Industrial fields of application, the third one is delivered as an academic general text. The aim of this study is to demonstrate the contribution of Summary translation in developing the analytical/synthetical skills of the students through a cognitive process handled by the Interpretive Theory of Translation. The findings determined the significant contribution of a Summary translation in preparing the students to the job market; we also pointed out the behavior of students towards a Summary translation compared to a full transfer, and how to settle any related issue. Accordingly, we proposed a well-structured method to conduct a practical course in the classroom, and we ended by sustaining the use of Summary translation in the job market, for it increases the material and immaterial income of the employers and the employees.

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How to Cite
BOUKHEMIS, L. (2024). Summary Translation Cognitive Process (Academic Training for Cost-effective Professional Achievement). ALTRALANG Journal, 6(1), 286-303.
Author Biography

Leila BOUKHEMIS, Badji Mokhtar-Annaba University P.o.Box 12, Annaba. 23000, Algeria

Dr. Leila BOUKHEMIS is a Lecturer (Maitre de Conférences A) at Badji Mokhtar- Annaba University, Faculty of Letters and Languages, Department of translation. She holds a PhD in Translation, Language pairs (Arabic/French/English). Her main research interests comprise Translation Studies, Consecutive Interpretation, Didactics of translation and Functional Translation/Interpretation.

Research projects: -  A Handout Course Book in translation (Eng/Fr/Eng) - Two Phd students under supervision  - - Article for publication on “Translation in Tourism”.


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