Evaluation of Distance Education at the Algerian University from the Students’ Perspective: Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Oran 2 as a Model
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Distance education spread at the Algerian university with the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, that is, in the year 2020, and it was then accompanied by hybrid education, meaning a combination of distance education and in-person education. Moreover, Distance education was the most important means of practising the learning process, not only in the university environment, but even in the field of primary, middle, and secondary education, and this is in all countries of the world, but the means and methods were different and were numerous. This process, i.e. distance education, has faced many difficulties, including material and moral, on the part of teachers and students, especially with the beginning of its spread in Algerian universities. Therefore, This study aims to measure the extent of university students’ satisfaction with distance education at the Algerian University through a field study at the level of the Faculty of Social Sciences at the University of Oran 2, Mohammed bin Ahmed, using a paper form. The sample included 150 students of both genders.
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