Discourse as an Essentially Contested Concept in Media Studies: From the Correct Use to the Abstract Concept

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Abdelhak BOUIFER
Djamila KADEM


The issue of concepts formation has always been at the centre of debate among scholars in media and communication studies. This paper is an attempt to introduce the general principles of Gallie's essentially contested concepts in the light of the widespread use of concept misunderstanding in this field of research where discourse is of central importance to researchers. We argue that the present essay explores primarily the option of placing more attention on theorizing rather than on theory. Accordingly, this article does seek to address the concepts of discourse in the established schools of discourse analysis within Gallie's framework aiming at settling the conflict over discourse by constructing epistemological bridge with Sartori's ladder of abstraction to overcome the problem of essential contestedness in media and communication studies.

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How to Cite
BOUIFER, A., & KADEM, D. (2024). Discourse as an Essentially Contested Concept in Media Studies: From the Correct Use to the Abstract Concept. ALTRALANG Journal, 6(1), 465-478. https://doi.org/10.52919/altralang.v6i1.442
Author Biographies

Abdelhak BOUIFER, University of Algiers 3 Brahim Soltane Chaibout, Algeria

Dr. BOUIFER Abdelhak is currently a lecturer of media studies in faculty of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Algiers 3. He received his doctorate degree in political and social communication from the University of Algiers3 in 2020. He was appointed as the Director of Communication in the Prime Minister's Cabinet (December 2020 - October 2023). And before that he worked as journalist and Editor-in-Chief at Algeria Press Service (APS) for almost 8 years. His research interests include discourse analysis, epistemology of information and communication sciences, digital methods and advanced theories of communication in the digital ecosystem.

Djamila KADEM, University of Algiers 3 Brahim Soltane Chaibout, Algeria

Dr. KADEM Djamila is a lecturer in the department of communication at the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences at the University of Algiers 3. She obtained her doctorate degree from Algiers University in 2017. She has contributed to various academic activities and presented numerous papers at international and national conferences, colloquiums and seminars. She was a former member of the scientific board of the Faculty of Information and Communication Sciences, and now she is a member of two research labs. Her research interests include media and ethics, audience studies, media economics, theories of mass communication, social and digital platforms.


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