Submit Your Application 

Interested in joining the Editorial Board of Traduction et Langues journal? We recommend that you review the Responsibilities & Qualifications of Editors and Reviewers’ Journal Section, as well as the Journal's Sections Policies and Guidelines. Applicants need to register via the journal page via ASJP before submitting their applications or, if already registered, can simply send their application form via the journal’s email address, and then begin the five-step process.   

  • Step 1: If you haven't registered yet, please create and edit an account via ASJP by visiting:
  • Step 2: If you don't have an English CV, you can download the CV template prototype provided below.
  • Step 3: If you haven’t sent the Application Form, you can download the selected form provided below.


  • Step 4: After acceptance, Click on the link of the Editor-in-Chief invitation you receive from ASJP support.
  • Step 5: Activate the link to join the Editorial Board either as Associate Editor or Reviewer.


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