Screening for plagiarism policy
Traduction et Langues adheres to international plagiarism policies. The editors are in their best preparation to prevent plagiarism and other forms of fraud and misconduct in academic publishing. A plagiarism detection software Plagiarism Checker X 2022 is running to ensure the originality of the submitted manuscripts for plagiarism detection. Each manuscript is sent to screening for plagiarism before the peer review process. One of the secretaries is responsible for checking the manuscripts for plagiarism. Again, the final version of the accepted papers is checked for plagiarism.
Similarity and Plagiarism Detection
Starting in 2024, all submitted articles to the Journal of Traduction et Langues were passed through a similarity and plagiarism check system via the ASJP (Algerian Scientific Journals Plattform). A detailed report was generated for each submission, and if the similarity rate exceeded an acceptable threshold, the article was automatically rejected. This process ensured the originality and integrity of the content published in our journal.
The final stage before Publication Release
Cleaned versions of the accepted articles were subjected to Plagiarism Checker X 2022 for final screening.