Oriental Languages in the Information Society and the Changing Global Cultural Paradigm

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Oksana Asadchykh
Tetiana Dybska
Oksana Kindzhybala
Tamara Komarnytska
Liubov Poinar


The relevance of this study lies in the impact of the information society on the development and changes in Oriental languages worldwide. The preservation of their cultural diversity and unique features depends largely on their development in today’s world. The study aims to examine how languages from Asia and other Eastern regions have adapted to globalization, including new technologies such as the Internet, artificial intelligence, and social networks. The study used theoretical research methods, including analytical and comparative methods of generalization and systematization. It was found that global technological changes have greatly impacted Oriental languages, threatening the preservation of the cultural identity of their speakers. In the information society, Oriental languages play key roles in communication, preserving and sharing cultural heritage, and promoting cultural exchange between different parts of the world.  Eastern languages are actively adapting to the needs of the information society, using advanced technologies, artificial intelligence, and other innovations to improve communication practices. These changes help preserve and integrate traditional language practices from both Eastern and Western societies. At the same time, the study identifies challenges for the development of Eastern languages due to globalization, which calls for new strategies to protect linguistic diversity and cultural heritage. One effective solution is the use of technologies for digital archiving and documenting linguistic aspects. The research provides a basis for developing language policies, educational programs, and digital archiving initiatives to protect and promote Oriental languages in the face of globalization and technological progress.


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How to Cite
Asadchykh, O., Dybska, T., Kindzhybala, O., Komarnytska, T., & Poinar, L. (2024). Oriental Languages in the Information Society and the Changing Global Cultural Paradigm. Traduction Et Langues, 23(03), 91-110. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v23i03.1013


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