Exploring the Dynamic Interplay of National Identity and Linguoculture in Kyrgyzstan: A study of cultural symbols, language adaptation, and identity transmission
Main Article Content
This study aims to identify the key components shaping national identity through linguistic expressions. It explores how linguistic elements, cultural symbols, and historical contexts influence the development and preservation of national identity in Kyrgyzstan. The researchers used various methods, including comparative analysis, the biographical method, and content analysis. The results show that historical changes and socio-cultural shifts in Kyrgyzstan have significantly impacted the development of linguistic patterns and symbols of national identity. Additionally, the nomadic lifestyle and the adoption of Islam have added unique aspects to Kyrgyz linguoculture. The colonial past, changes in power, and the transformation of the political environment after 1991 have also influenced the evolution of the language’s vocabulary and meaning. The study highlighted that linguistic elements such as proverbs, sayings, and metaphors are crucial for preserving and passing down national values. At the same time, folk tales and legends play a key role in shaping the cultural identity of the Kyrgyz people. The study also included a comparative analysis of four literary works: Aitmatov’s Cassandra’s Tavro, Maurice’s La Loi des mâles, Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front, and Eco’s Il nome della rosa. It examined the specific features of inspiration, the reflection of values, cultural aspects, national symbols, and motifs, as well as the expression of national identity in each of these novels. The findings show that all the works are deeply influenced by cultural and historical factors that have shaped the development and expression of nationality through literature. Through language, folk images, and symbols, the authors highlight the unique characteristics of their linguistic cultures and promote a sense of belonging to their national group. The practical significance of the study lies in its insights into how literary expressions of language and culture can help preserve the national identity in an increasingly multicultural and globalized world. These results emphasize the important role of literature in fostering cultural understanding and intercultural dialogue, as well as its potential to promote respect for diverse traditions and values.
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