Zur Landeskunde des deutschsprachigen Raumes in Ägypten

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Ramadan Nasr Hassan


On Regional Studies of German-Speaking Areas in Egypt

In Egypt — and in many other Arab countries — German as a foreign language plays a significant role both in education and in higher education. In the German departments of the various universities, there is a main course of study in German studies, and the departments also oversee German lessons and German courses in other departments and faculties. Foreign language didactics have almost never been used in Germany. Since the modern language reform, which has advocated a pragmatic, fact-oriented, real history, "regional studies" has been regarded as unnecessarily abbreviating, merely geographical knowledge. This narrow meaning of regional studies lats in travel guides, in which natural regional studies, which can hardly be influenced by humans, a versatile communication module for written and oral communication, an electronic corrector for free text input by the learners, and a presentation module for synchronized lectures. The conception of the platform is based on media didactic aspects, i.e. with the aim of achieving added media didactic value. Empirical studies (e.g. in the area of learning efficiency of grammar animations) show that this added value is actually achieved with the platform and its implementation in uni-deutsch.de


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How to Cite
Hassan , R. N. (2003). Zur Landeskunde des deutschsprachigen Raumes in Ägypten . Traduction Et Langues, 2(1), 43-58. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v2i1.294

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