المعجم الوسيط Modifikationsvorschläge

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Soheir Taraman


المعجم الوسيط Suggestions for Modifications


A Critical insight on al-Mu‘gam al-Wasiit
Our contribution deals with a critical position on almu‘gam al-wasiit and offers, in a theoretical frame of reference, some suggestions based on individual guidelines for an Arabic dictionary of meanings based on a comparison between the German Wahrig dictionary and the Arabic al-wasiit. The external and internal structures of the two reference works are used for lexicographical basis.
Our project is based on the insight that dictionaries are an important and suitable instrument for documenting language authentically, for spreading language use among the language bearers of a language and cultural community in the safest way, and for expanding sound language skills. The individual aspects put up for discussion should therefore focus on deficiencies and the inconsistency of al-wasiit's method while justifying our disposition to draw attention to it.
Such individual aspects include, among other things, the additional information (such as the grammatical and stylistic aspects), the structure and the vowel-morphematic order of the dictionary articles as well as the arrangement of word explanation.


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How to Cite
Taraman, S. (2003). المعجم الوسيط Modifikationsvorschläge. Traduction Et Langues, 2(1), 81-89. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v2i1.297

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