الترجمة والتثاقف

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قويدر بن أحمد


Translation and Acculturation

I believe that communication is the secret of being and the secret of identity, and it is the realizer of rapprochement, exchange, and presence, and it is hardly limited to tools except to harness them for this process so that the process of communication becomes a process of contrast and difference. It goes then beyond that to become a process of understanding, interpretation, and dialogue and thus enters within the model of totality and comprehensiveness. This faculty depends on what is called language in the sense that de Saussure saw: "Language is a system of signs". Therefore, Acculturation needs this system of signs to have ebb and flow and to deal with semantics. To achieve this meaning of cross-fertilization, we need the sign carrying a content that the language models have differed in its expression. Accordingly, I raise a number of questions: What is the relationship between translation and acculturation? Where can the concept of difference be found within this relationship? Or rather, can we talk about the difference between the logic of convergence between human knowledge?
In an attempt to answer these questions through this reflection upon the dialectic between translation and acculturation, I have arrived at the conclusion that translation is a method that attempts to establish a philosophy of a special kind by accessing meanings and identifying the same implicit meanings to enable a group to communicate with another group. Thus, the transfer of the cultural traits of a particular language from one group to another will be framed by the motion in both language and culture. So that the same linguistic motion that realizes linguistic rapprochement will be accompanied by cultural rapprochement as advocated in anthropology through acceptance of difference. 





both language and culture. So that the same linguistic motion that realizes linguistic rapprochement will be accompanied by cultural rapprochement as advocated in anthropology through acceptance of difference.


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How to Cite
بن أحمد ق. (2004). الترجمة والتثاقف . Traduction Et Langues, 3(1), 60-73. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v3i1.323