Apport civilisationnel Moyen Oriental durant la période médiévale

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Djilali Klouch


This article focuses on the Middle Eastern civilizational contribution during the medieval period. This contribution has been explained through the works of great scholars, historians, poets, and men of letters. In fact, the most common way by which the richness of Arab thought was brought within reach of the West was the translation into Latin of the Arab originals. Thus, we have come to the conclusion through this modest compilation of historical facts that Arab scholars had flourished during the Middle Ages and wrote a beautiful page on the contribution of Eastern civilization to the Middle Ages West. The figures quoted at the end lead to meditate on the eloquence and scope of Arab thought during this period.


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How to Cite
Klouch , D. (2005). Apport civilisationnel Moyen Oriental durant la période médiévale. Traduction Et Langues, 4(1), 66-78.

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