El Tratamiento del Léxico en el Manual Un Mundo por Descubirir

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Mebarka Bedarnia
Sara Boursoufla
Abderrahim Bouazaara


The Treatment of the Lexicon in the Manual A World to Discover

The objective of this article is to analyze the treatment of lexical competence in the Algerian second-year textbook Un Mundo por Descubrir. To achieve this objective, the third didactic unit entitled Vida Cotidiana y Compras has been selected: the theme of Food and restaurant. This study is qualitative and exploratory in nature. The descriptive-analytical method has been used. The instruments used for data collection are: observation and Ezeiza's content analysis. The results allowed us to conclude that the treatment of lexical competence in the Algerian manual is of a structural type since it focuses on the teaching of form and not meaning, the proposed activities are of the image-word relationship type and are decontextualized. Likewise, the lexicon is not integrated with the other communicative activities of the language.


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How to Cite
Bedarnia, M., Boursoufla , S., & Bouazaara , A. (2010). El Tratamiento del Léxico en el Manual Un Mundo por Descubirir . Traduction Et Langues, 9(1), 32-45. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v9i1.458

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