دلالة العنوان في رواية الشفق للجيلالي جلاص

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The significance of of the title in the novel Al-Shafaq by Jilali Jalas

The title is the threshold of reading, and it is from the point of view of its initiation, with which it seeks help from the texts and does not scatter them. It is its first engine. It is the necessary passage that serves the story in receiving it, as it refers to it and shortens its path. It is not possible for the title and the text to dispense with each other, for without the text the title alone is incapable of forming its semantic surroundings, and without the title the text is constantly subject to dissolution in other texts. As a result of this parallel between the title and the text, which leads to the necessity of an integrative correlative relationship, in which the former occupies the forefront on the cover of the book, and remains firmly in the memory more than the content. The title leads the reader to enter the world of the text to reveal what it aims at, the possibilities it presents for reading, and the extent to which it relates to the text. This article deals with the semiotics of the title of the novel ‘ حمائم الشفق ’ by the Algerian Novelist El Djilali Khallas. The description of the title as an idea, a word or a large sentence carries with it several meanings as a sign indicating the general idea of the text. Besides, the title is the basic structure that helps to deconstruct and interpret the global structure (text).


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How to Cite
شريط ب. (2010). دلالة العنوان في رواية الشفق للجيلالي جلاص. Traduction Et Langues, 9(1), 75-84. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v9i1.462

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