البناء المقطعي لآيات السورة والظواهر فوق التركيبية البناء المقطعي لآيات سورة الكهف

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صباح دالي


Segmental structure of the verses of the surah and phenomena above the Segmental structure of the verses of Surat Al-Kahf

If the sounds are the simple elements that make up the Arabic word, then between the singular sound and the compound word of several sounds, an intermediate stage is the syllable stage. The syllable in its simplest form is a mixture of vowels and consonants, as it is considered the smallest structural unit, consistent with the language’s method of composing its structure, and depends on psychological rhythm, as every pressure on the diaphragm affects the air of the lungs. We may remember with this division the way we began to learn to read in the first stage of school education, if in fact it was a naturally syllabic reading that facilitates language learning. This research attempts to reveal the problematic of saying inadvertently those who went to deny the existence of any study of the syllable in any way. From this point of view, we will resort to using the symbol (ص) to denote the consonant, and the symbol (ح) to denote the vowel sounds. The reality of syllables differs from one view to another, so that we can collect these partial views in the following identification: syllables are expressions of an organized system of analytical particles, or chest beats during speech, or structural units, or certain shapes and quantities.


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How to Cite
دالي ص. (2010). البناء المقطعي لآيات السورة والظواهر فوق التركيبية البناء المقطعي لآيات سورة الكهف. Traduction Et Langues, 9(1), 118-127. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v9i1.465

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