التأويل عند ابن جني

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عمر معراجي


Interpretation according to Ibn Jinn

Cultures search in many cases about goals and results, so reaching the result of something and its goal was and still is, each of us seeks in his own way to stand there, then the reasons and causes do not come to the worry of knowing them when we conclude from them, and this is in fact hastened even if One's heart is always looking for benefit and striving to achieve goals. The state of putting knowledge in our lived reality is very close to these consumerist intellectual perceptions, in which a person eats meat and does not know its source, whether it is halal or forbidden, tastes it and enjoys eating it, and orders to buy it, and people mimic about it because it is free, and he only knows about it because it is imported from countries Other than his country, or from a strange country of origin and separation. It is a situation similar to the state of thought among nations today; As it is a state of concern regarding these ready-made and canned knowledge goods, which are similar to their origins that produce them, so we consume and digest them like aspirin pills and proceed to promote them for free, and if it is negative, the reality calls for that; We do not live in a society isolated from existence intellectually, culturally and ideologically. Rather, if the foundation and initiative in exploration and discovery preceded our reality, our reality became isolated from it with all its motives and perceptions. Just as here we are not calling for self-glorification, nor are we looking for the narcissism of Arab thought. Rather, the parallel lines must follow. The process of intellectual production in line with the movement of civilization. The problem that surrounds itself within this study is how can we find a modern epistemological conception in which its owner sends an adequate and satisfactory answer to the dilemmas of interpretation that people say unless they say that it is an epistemological obsession on which modern linguistics is based in dealing with its scientific issues? Do we find in the writings of the people of heritage, such as grammarians and others, a way to enrich this aspect? And do we find in our scientific and intellectual legacies represented in the person of Ibn Jinni in his book “Kitab al-Khasa’is” what guarantees us to reach these desired goals? So how did Ibn Jinni deal with the interpretation machine in the linguistic issues that he was dealing with in his aforementioned book?


we looking for the narcissism of Arab thought. Rather, the parallel lines must follow. The process of intellectual production in line with the movement of civilization.


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How to Cite
معراجي ع. (2010). التأويل عند ابن جني. Traduction Et Langues, 9(1), 128-144. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v9i1.466

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