La symbolique du voile dans Rêves de femmes une enfance au harem de Fatima Mernissi
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The Symbolism of Veil in Fatima Mernissi’s Dreams of Women a childhood in the Harem
The Maghrebi woman has long suffered from the deletion and confinement that society has imposed on her since the beginning of time. Fatima Mernissi immediately felt concerned and has just wanted to give the floor to all those women who have been silenced so far. The title of her novel is already very indicative, Childhood in the Harem, harem or the forbidden. We will endeavour to go through this work to show how Mernissi has tried to break the rules by using her writing to oppose the discomfort that reigns around these women who had to make a very difficult choice through a lot of compromises to free themselves from the veil of practices and tradition.
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How to Cite
Bouayed, N. (2018). La symbolique du voile dans Rêves de femmes une enfance au harem de Fatima Mernissi . Traduction Et Langues, 17(1), 24-33.