معجم اللّغة العربيَّة المعاصرة بين الإجراءات العمليّة والآليّات التّنفيذيّة

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سعاد بسناسي


Contemporary Arabic Dictionary between practical procedures and executive mechanisms

The Contemporary Arabic Dictionary of Ahmad Mukhtar Omar is considered one of the most important contemporary linguistic dictionaries that the Arabic library lacks. This is due to the fact that it satisfies the needs of its speakers; it investigates new words, new connotations, and live uses. It also depends on the data of the modern era and information technology in collecting, classifying, extracting and auditing the material. The value of this dictionary is not limited to its modernity only, but extends to include its methodology, work procedures, implementation and output mechanisms, and following the latest international specifications in the manufacture and production of dictionaries. The present paper aims at studying this contemporary dictionary. The main findings showed that the face of contemporary in it appears, starting with the approach followed, then its practical procedures, and the mechanisms for its implementation and output. The importance of this process lies in the fact that it is an important step to implement what the researcher needs in the field of text linguistics. This is an important element of computational linguistics that seeks to bring about a new shift by means of interactive creativity.


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How to Cite
بسناسيس. (2013). معجم اللّغة العربيَّة المعاصرة بين الإجراءات العمليّة والآليّات التّنفيذيّة. Traduction Et Langues, 12(1), 112-131. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v12i1.655

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