أنماط تعبيرية في العامّية الجزائرية دراسة لغوية

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خيرة منصوري


Expressive patterns in Colloquial Algerian Arabic: A linguistic study

The oral linguistic heritage carries within it the elements of survival and continuity. It is embodied in the extension of its construction in linguistic reality and verbal processes, a pattern of expressive patterns, a means of the common people, in which they innovate to express their feelings and thoughts. These methods are among the effects that have been transmitted to us through verbal communication, such as stories. Folk and proverbs are marked by spontaneity, some of the features of the Algerian personality are embodied in its construction. This article aims to study some of the expressive patterns of the Algerian colloquial inheritance from the linguistic side and to highlight its features and characteristics.


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How to Cite
منصوري خ. (2013). أنماط تعبيرية في العامّية الجزائرية دراسة لغوية. Traduction Et Langues, 12(1), 175-193. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v12i1.660

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