Zu den Schwierigkeiten beim Genitivseinsatz Dativ gegen Genitiv

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Amina Fehama Benabdelkader


On the difficulties in using the genitive dative as opposed to the genitive

For some people, grammar is an obstacle that interferes with their language acquisition and facilitating certain grammatical rules can be an important means of optimally realizing some learning goals. In this case, the genitive is at the centre of this change because of its formulation difficulties; substitute constructions and above all the dative play an important role in the genitive decline. The present paper aims at studying the difficulties and dispute between the two cases. In order to explain in detail these difficulties and this dispute between the two cases, dative and genitive. The genitive has a place or existence in the German language and above all in German as a foreign language lessons. We must also recognize that the genitive is used less frequently than it used to be; the struggle between dative and genitive seems insoluble.


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How to Cite
Fehama Benabdelkader , A. (2013). Zu den Schwierigkeiten beim Genitivseinsatz Dativ gegen Genitiv. Traduction Et Langues, 12(2), 12-17. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v12i2.662