Der kulturelle Hintergrund der algerischen DaFler, ihre Pensum und ihre Ziele des interkulturellen Lernens vorgelegt von

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Mohamed Bouregba


The cultural background of the Algerian learners of Deutsch and their goals of intercultural learning

Intercultural learning does not result solely from the multinational composition of a classroom. It requires an awareness of different patterns of perception, which are often more subtle than simple national classifications would suggest. It is important to consciously raise awareness of these patterns of perception, which arise both from cultural imprinting and from shared socialization experiences (e.g. at the university). This work shows how the German language lessons with intercultural language didactics can use heterogeneity as a positive factor for language learning and enable the acquisition of intercultural skills. The scenario didactics, which opens up the way for this, is the focus of this work. The parameters and tasks outlined here not only result in new, motivating learning paths for the learners but also new, exciting demands on the teachers with regard to their role and their understanding of teaching.


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How to Cite
Bouregba, M. (2013). Der kulturelle Hintergrund der algerischen DaFler, ihre Pensum und ihre Ziele des interkulturellen Lernens vorgelegt von. Traduction Et Langues, 12(2), 40-49.