Fases de la evaluación

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Halima Maati Beghdadi


Evaluation Phases

The subject of evaluation is very extensive and needs a lot of research to be treated satisfactorily. Since evaluation allows us to modify and redirect the entire teaching-learning process, this requires us to know everything related to this task: its objectives, its characteristics, its different types and its resources, in order to know how and when the teacher can evaluate their students. If each teacher evaluates their students in the three parts of the course, surely all the negative connotations that are made of the evaluation will be eliminated and the development of the student's level in the different facets of their learning process can be clearly noted, and the most fundamental thing is to make students understand that the most important thing is the knowledge they acquire in their educational training and not the grades they get in each subject.


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How to Cite
Maati Beghdadi, H. (2016). Fases de la evaluación . Traduction Et Langues, 15(2), 18-22. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v15i2.681

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