Ferdinand de Saussure und europäischer Strukturalismus

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Abderrahim Boufaden


Ferdinand de Saussure and European Structuralism

Structuralism, even restricted to its original field, the analysis of language; does not, strictly speaking, constitute a community of doctrine such as the history of grammar may have known in the near or more distant past. It is characterized rather by the sharing of a set of very general principles which can orient or inflect research in different directions: attention was paid to the signifier in an attempt to account for language in terms of pure combinatory reflection on the form in linguistic phenomena. It was taking into account the diversity of codes and norms that regulate language (written and oral skills). Moreover, this methodological and epistemological orientation of linguistic structuralism ensures real continuity from F. de Saussure; the course in general linguistics proposes a reflection on the most general conditions of possibility of a knowledge of languages. To sum up, we can say that European structuralism has played a significant role in the development of linguistics. Thanks to his representative Ferdinand de Saussure who contribute massively to the shaping of modern linguistics


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How to Cite
Boufaden, A. (2016). Ferdinand de Saussure und europäischer Strukturalismus . Traduction Et Langues, 15(2), 84-89. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v15i2.682