Spectralité, Violence et Devoir de Mémoire dans Les Funérailles de Rachid Boudjedra

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Leila Moussedek


Spectrality, Violence and Duty of Memory in The Funeral of Rachid Boudjedra

To assume a right of historical justice and mourning the martyrs of the violence, spectrally as a form of writing does not, in this literature of urgency, a fascination with death, but it establishes a relationship or link between the latter and the romance between the real world and the fictional world. She wants a scriptural choice and a commitment adapted by Rashid Boudjedra to justice for victims of terrorism in Algeria 90s allowing them to take place in the collective memory of the country not to get lost in historical amnesia. This story does not appear as a "farewell" to victims but instead he emphasizes speaking, listening and dialogue for the disappearance does not become forgotten and that mourning is completed. We think that the spectral writing in Les Funérailles “The Funeral” is inspired by an anthological philosophy reflection because the spectrality linked to the principle of justice and the duty of memory is amply verified in this novel by Rachid Boudjedra and the questioning of the use of this technique in this literary production prompts us to serach answers for few questions: How is this spectral represented in this novel? What are its forms? What are its characteristics and dimensions? Could it reflect the author's vision and position? The findings of this resarch showed that The Funeral is a place of textual memory where the murdered and the living meet and get closer by consciousness and fidelity to memory, because this romantic fabric is not a fantastic text or a ghost story, but an incentive to save their memory by telling it by talking to them and listening to them. It is a work that allows the impossible encounter to take place through the anthology which remains here a logos whose main characteristic is to stage, to provoke and to describe at the same time, an encounter which, without it, would not exist, and to which the official historical discourse does not adhere. This is a textual encounter and not an attempt to magically bring a dead person back. Communication, when it takes place, remains in the realm of the story being told. Also, this anthological work is considered as a remedy for a suffering and tired memory. It is therefore necessary to reconstitute and assume his history, just as the psychoanalyst helps the analysed to reconstitute and support his own history. Futhermore, the spectral supports a historical reconstruction which presents itself as an obligation vis-à-vis the disappeared according to the djebarian vision. We think then that the anamnesic procedure allows the deficient and torn memory of the great History to take place in the small history. Accordingly, through spectrality and collective memory remain vivid and alive to fight against all forms of forgetting and historical amnesia and allow individual dramatic memory to become and transform into collective memory.


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How to Cite
Moussedek, L. (2016). Spectralité, Violence et Devoir de Mémoire dans Les Funérailles de Rachid Boudjedra . Traduction Et Langues, 15(2), 7-17. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v15i2.701

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