Der Einsatz von Kunstdisziplinen "Theater, Musik und Lieder" im DaF-Unterricht

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Jihane El Zein


The Use of Art Disciplines "Theatre, Music and Songs" in Deutsch lessons

Speaking is considered to be the main element in foreign language teaching. One of the most important methods and techniques of teaching based on drama and theater, So, the integration of theater in Deutsch class practices allows the student to learn about culture and acquire language properly. The theater techniques used in classroom activities reveal the listening and reading and facilitate their acquisition naturally. The success of such an approach is determined by progression and the passage from the easiest to the most difficult task. Thus, only if the dialogues are not too difficult and demanding linguistically, learners can understand them fairly easily. Some scenes and sequences should choose carefully by the teacher to respond to the students’ needs and styles of learners. This type of learning is based on leisure and the courses of Deutsch should fulfill this target. In this article, I address the importance of integrating arts, including theater, music and songs into foreign language lessons and their effectiveness, with a particular emphasis on Deutsch courses.


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How to Cite
El Zein, J. (2016). Der Einsatz von Kunstdisziplinen "Theater, Musik und Lieder" im DaF-Unterricht . Traduction Et Langues, 15(2), 186-190.

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