إشكالية المرجع والترجمة

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فريدة بوساح


The Problem of Translatability of Cultures and the Degree of the Arabiation of Concepts

In this article, I dealt with the problem of the relationship between the signifier, the signified, and the reference in translating words and texts. Linguistic studies focused on the signifier and the signifier of your reference account and neglected it and did not consider it one of the components of the evidence, and removed it from the circle of meanings of phrases.
In logical and philosophical studies, it took another turn in its connection with the issue of "truth" and "error" in linguistic expressions. What truth do we mean, is it the fact that the statement is logically correct or is it a reference to the reference? And ascertaining the actual relationship that exists between the reference and the signifier who uttered it on the same reference. This is what leads us to talk about the idea of equality in translation between the first and second texts, and to what extent it can be achieved. Does the reference have a role in that?
The references are different for humans, and of course, the mental images or representations that we have of the absent or evoked things are also different. Rather, the view of the same thing in one group may be different, and the different linguistic systems also among language users in order to perceive a single reference, so what about if These worlds varied and varied, just as their conceptual or linguistic systems differ, in which we can only think of ourselves and the outside world. Therefore, the issue of equality or parity in translation is an issue that is difficult to reach.


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How to Cite
بوساحف. (2002). إشكالية المرجع والترجمة. Traduction Et Langues, 1(1), 113-123. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v1i1.287