Traduction de l'imaginaire et l'altérité

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Mohamed Daoud


Translation of the Imaginary and Otherness

It is perhaps useless to repeat that the translation of modern literature, written in Arabic, is a necessity for the readership of the countries of Europe and the Americas, not only their translation allows exchanges, but above all, it gives to see societies which are not blocked at the exotic, primitive stage, but which have integrated modernity despite the obscurantist temptations of certain elites who occupy the places of production or reproduction of symbolic capital, of the conception of the political decision or of its implementation. Also, it must be said that with the beginning of this new and helping globalization, many classificatory categories have lost their old meanings to take on new meanings, such as history, ideology, and culture. Several thinkers have predicted their "ends", what interests us here is "the end of monoculturalisms".
Then, we can affirm that ultimately the East exists in the West and the latter exists in the former and that even these distinctions are rather more imaginary than real and only an objective dialogue between the different cultures can bring each civilization back to its true value and will reduce the distance between each other and globalize civilization, because world civilization can only be the coalition, on a world scale, of cultures each preserving its originality. The translation of symbolic and imaginary production will certainly contribute to this coalition.

and imaginary production will certainly contribute to this coalition.


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How to Cite
Daoud , M. (2006). Traduction de l’imaginaire et l’altérité. Traduction Et Langues, 5(1), 49-57.

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