Sprachpluralistische Medienstrategien Möglichkeiten für multilinguale Gesellschaften und ihre Informationskultur

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Aoussine Seddiki


Linguistic Pluralistic Media Strategies Opportunities for multilingual societies and their information culture

The phenomenon of linguistic and cultural diversity in the individual countries and regions of the world is deliberately given significant attention in this information process. Guided by the principle of linguistic pluralism in the design of the respective audiovisual programs (culture, business, politics, religion, sport, love, tourism, everyday life, ...), the media experts try to use the well-known world languages (English, French, Arabic, Spanish, German, Chinese) and to take cultural differences into account. In addition to these widespread languages, the so-called ethnic languages of minorities (Kiswahili, Luo, Urdu, Kabyle, Croatian, Lithuanian, Afrikaans,) are also taken into account.
Based on a pragmatic assessment, this article shows the extent to which the multilingual range of media determines people's character and what number of hurdles need to be overcome so that language pluralism in the media sector can have an optimal impact on collective memory. Concrete examples from the Algerian press are shown for illustration, which emphasize the importance of multilingualism for the desired socio-cultural and economic exchange.
This research leads to say that language pluralism pursued by Algeria in the media sector forms a reliable basis for the optimal forwarding of information. The variety of languages and cultures that coexist in this country means that media organizations need to pay particular attention to the languages and dialects most commonly used in the different Algerian regions, in order to ensure effective communication with the public.
With regard to the placement of the respective newspaper article in print and radio, the worldwide criterion of topicality or the importance of the topic treated is taken into account. This factor will decide which variety will be given priority, whether it is Arabic, French or Berber. The publication of newspaper articles in the Algerian media does not depend on the selected language.




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How to Cite
Seddiki, A. (2006). Sprachpluralistische Medienstrategien Möglichkeiten für multilinguale Gesellschaften und ihre Informationskultur . Traduction Et Langues, 5(1), 69-79. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v5i1.352