Traduire pour comprendre ou comprendre pour traduire ?

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Zineb Ghlamallah Bouchiba


Translating for understanding or for translating?

In the teaching of foreign languages, many teachers today continue to exclude any possibility of using translation in class. But many others still know how to take advantage of the use of a punctual and well-targeted translation; for example, in a grammar lesson, they can translate a particular term for the learner so that he understands it quickly and they can continue their lesson. But if we dwell on some of the concepts that are nevertheless commonly used, we quickly realize that even when their translation is recognized, they do not always have the same functions in the two languages involved and that ultimately, if we want to translate in order to understand, we must also understand everything covered by the concept in order to be able to translate it.


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How to Cite
Ghlamallah Bouchiba , Z. (2007). Traduire pour comprendre ou comprendre pour traduire ?. Traduction Et Langues, 6(1), 7-13.