The Myth in Ecuatorial Guinean Letters: Sociohistorical Reading of Trinidad Morgades Besari’s Antigone

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Perrine MVOU


The Myth in Ecuatorial Guinean Letters: Sociohistorical Reading of Trinidad Morgades Besari’s Antigone

Between myth and literary phenomenon, there is an intimate relationship permamente. Timeless essence, the myth survives civilization that gave birth and, passing the time, loads of new meanings that enrich. Just as the dream, myth is a sign that must decipher the reader / viewer as it carries deeper meanings essential to the understanding of their everyday lives and the foundation of society in which they live, their customs and their rights. The presence of myth in points Equatorial Guinea in general, and particularly in the play of Trinidad Morgades Besari therefore arises, as usual, the problem of its significance.


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How to Cite
MVOU, P. (2020). The Myth in Ecuatorial Guinean Letters: Sociohistorical Reading of Trinidad Morgades Besari’s Antigone . Traduction Et Langues, 19(2), 34-49.

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