العرف وأثره في تغيّر الفتوى: َدراسة تحليلية تَطبيقية

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Badreddine Amari


Customs and its Effects of Changing the Fatwa

This paper consists of an attempt to highlight the importance of cultural impact in poetry, in addition to the significant part it takes during the translation process, more precisely its equivalent delivery to the target reader. To attain the sought purpose, this research paper was separated into two sections: one being theoretical and the other practical. The theoretical section starts off by defining culture and its most significant elements, then moves on to defining translation in hopes of revealing the link between this pair. This paper proceeds to shed some light on the role that these previously stated cultural elements play in facilitating or impeding the translator’s task of transferring the poem’s cultural impact. Moreover, the author of this paper then proposes a sample of many strategies suggested by professionals to further guide the translator and assist him in his task. As for the practical section, it consists of a study regarding Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish’s “No More and No Less” and its translation procedures and strategies used in translated English version done by Fady Joudah, translator and poet of Palestinian origins; thus, allowing the translator’s stance to be revealed: whether he was source-oriented or sought the target reader.


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How to Cite
Amari, B. (2020). العرف وأثره في تغيّر الفتوى: َدراسة تحليلية تَطبيقية . Traduction Et Langues, 19(2), 230-249. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v19i2.369

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