Representation of the Female Character in ῞The SDF Trilogy῞ of Mohammed Moulessehoul-Yasmina Khadra

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Aïcha Bendib


Discussing about the woman continues to generate interest. Especially in literature, a reflection of a so-called modern society, where evolution struggles to touch the human relations that remain problematic because of inequalities and injustices that remain. In this article, we propose to explore the various representations / images of women in French-language Maghreb literature, more particularly the Algerian writer Mohammed Moulessehoul-Yasmina Khadra. In a trilogy dedicated to the marginalized, the woman is revealed there more as object of speech than as subject enunciative. At first, we will focus on the representation of women in the imaginary of male characters, then we will dwell on some significant female figures to try to understand their construction and operation.


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How to Cite
Bendib, A. (2020). Representation of the Female Character in ῞The SDF Trilogy῞ of Mohammed Moulessehoul-Yasmina Khadra. Traduction Et Langues, 19(2), 201-209.