Think Aloud Protocol in Translating Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani’s Poetry

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Ahmad Mohammad Al-Harahsheh
Maha Aladhba
Amer Al-Adwan


This study sets out to investigate the usability of Think Aloud Protocol (TAP) – in translating Sheikh Jassim Al Thani’s poetry into English, which is an example of Nabati poetry. The study was conducted on two groups of MA graduates in translation studies: Qataris and non-Qataris. The approach used in this study is process-oriented, and therefore it illuminates the strategies that translators use to overcome challenges during the translation process. The analysis of the translation of the selected expressions is based on Gerloff’s (1986) model of coding translation strategies. Selecting different translation strategies by each group demonstrates the nature of the encountered challenges. These challenges vary, as some are linguistic, while others are cultural. Finally, the study concluded that the employment of TAP in the process of translation is effective, guide translation specialists and help them to overcome any linguistic or cultural problems.


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How to Cite
Al-Harahsheh, A. M., Aladhba, M., & Al-Adwan , A. (2020). Think Aloud Protocol in Translating Sheikh Jassim bin Mohammed Al Thani’s Poetry . Traduction Et Langues, 19(1), 85-101.