L’exploitation du récit en FLE : approche linguistique et didactique

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Mansour Chemkhi


Exploitation of narrative in FLE: linguistic and didactic approach

Training to act is the main objective of a language course. The teaching content is generally designed to meet a need for action on the part of the learner. In the case of active methodologies using authentic documents, the targeted action is deferred: students are read, for example, literary texts to prepare them, later in society, to continue to maintain distance contact with the target culture language. The so- called action-oriented approach aims to prepare the learner to use the language to act in everyday communication situations. We move from methodologies centered on the use of literary genres (classified by type of text: narration, description, dialogue) to approaches centered on the reference to texts circulating in ordinary communication, classified by genres of speech


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How to Cite
Chemkhi, M. (2020). L’exploitation du récit en FLE : approche linguistique et didactique . Traduction Et Langues, 19(1), 102-115. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v19i1.386