Literaturunterricht als Basiswissen für interkulturelle Kommunikation

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Abdelkader Behilil


Literature Lessons as Prerequisite Knowledge for Intercultural Communication

Intercultural learning has become a hot topic and a "buzzword"; therefore, communication, relationships, and indeed education are interculturally tinged.
Based on this assumption, there is a need to think about learning and teaching methods so that, first of all, one communicates with the other or at least tries to understand him, because here the aim of foreign language teaching is alluded to; in other words: it is aimed at "awakening the understanding of the Other". In so doing, the learner will overcome both language and cultural barriers.
The teaching of German as a foreign language must flourish and not decline for the reasons of so-called globalisation, and this form of communication may - in my opinion - work more efficiently for the training of our students "who are interested in a corresponding teaching activity".


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How to Cite
Behilil , A. (2008). Literaturunterricht als Basiswissen für interkulturelle Kommunikation . Traduction Et Langues, 7(1), 55-60.