Plädoyer über einige Überlegungen zum historischen Hintergrund der Mehrsprachigkeit in Algerien

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Karima Bouhalouan


Reflections on the Historical Background of Multilingualism in Algeria

This article is about presenting a plea for multilingualism in Algeria. Our aim is also to explore some parameters about the historical background of languages in Algeria and to indicate their main characteristics. In this article I try to discuss the following aspects:
What kind of language repertoire does the North African and Maghreb country Algeria have? What is the importance of these languages in Algeria and whether these languages have influenced each other and how is this influence reflecte through speech? In this context, the polyglot dialogue of diglossia in this country will also be explored explicitly.


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How to Cite
Bouhalouan , K. (2008). Plädoyer über einige Überlegungen zum historischen Hintergrund der Mehrsprachigkeit in Algerien . Traduction Et Langues, 7(1), 81-90.