المصطلحات الترجمية: بين الترادف والاشتراك اللفظي

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Nawal Bensaada
Lamia Khelil


Synonymy and Polysemy in Translation Terminology

The establishment of Translation Studies as a new independent field of study was accompanied by an important expansion and diversification of its principles and concepts which led to the increase of its terminology. The latter appeared in specific conditions that are directly related to the recency and multi-disciplinary aspect of this branch of knowledge. This paper tends to explore the actual translation terminological situation by shedding light on synonymy and polysemy phenomena through an analytical comparative study of three terms: Adaptation; Free Translation and Indirect Translation and their respective synonyms or relative concepts.


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How to Cite
Bensaada, N., & Khelil, L. (2020). المصطلحات الترجمية: بين الترادف والاشتراك اللفظي. Traduction Et Langues, 19(1), 174-188. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v19i1.412