دعوى الخصوصية في مدلولات عبارات الجرح والتعديل: دراسة نقدية

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Rezig Khelifa Elarbi


Critical Insights into the Particularity Claim in The Significance of “Al Jarh wa Ta'dil"” (criticism and praising) expressions

This study aims to address an issue relating to the significance of the critical terms concerning the Hadith narrators; to which the particularity was claimed, and which was known as: "The particular terms in Al Jarh wa Ta'dil (criticism and praising). Some scholars have divided the criticism and praising expressions into "general" and "particular", and the particular terms chapter is becoming more and broader up to the contemporary scholars. This study came to make Hadith terminology science and its concepts clearer and to show its importance in terminology adjust as a methodological basic considered to be a criterion in general and particular cases, then to undertake an applied study on two famous terms for two famous critic scholars in which the particularity was claimed. These two terms are: the term" fihi Nadhar" (uncertain and arguable) according to Al Bukhari and the term "laysa bi shay’ " (it is nothing) according to Ibn Ma'iin. We followed in this study the inductive and analytical method regarding the term and its analysis in order to reach scientific findings. This study has led to show that the particularity in these two terms is wrong and that we have to review all what was claimed following a comparative terminological methodology based on statistics and analysis.


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How to Cite
Khelifa Elarbi, R. (2020). دعوى الخصوصية في مدلولات عبارات الجرح والتعديل: دراسة نقدية. Traduction Et Langues, 19(1), 218-233. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v19i1.413