المترجم بين الامانة والخيانة

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هشام بن شريف


The Interpreter between Fidelity and betrayal

Translation has played a very important role in preserving the world heritage, whether literary or scientific, thanks to the efforts made by translators in different cultures and languages, despite what is said about their lack of honesty in transmitting texts, but it seems necessary to talk about honesty or lack of it by highlighting on its various connotations. This is what we are trying to address through this article, which aims to raise the problem of honesty and betrayal in the field of translation in general, but this problem is strongly raised by the literary translator, or rather the translator of poetry.


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How to Cite
بن شريف ه. (2008). المترجم بين الامانة والخيانة . Traduction Et Langues, 7(1), 98-103. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v7i1.419