ظاهرة الحذف من منظور الدراسات الأسلوبية

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محمد ملياني


Stylistic Perspectives on the Phenomenon of omission

The ancient Arab scholars have taken care of the relationship that mainly exists between language and thought, and the interpretation of the linguistic phenomenon in a deep way, relying primarily on the environment in which the language arose and its social nature through the study of the links between the parts of the structures in which language habits are embodied, and the verbal behaviors related to aspects of pronunciation and semantics. The grammarians also worked on the Arabic sentence as a verbal structure in which the pronunciation is carried out in a series of words whose words follow successively to lead to a meaning that improves silence. Communicativeness is not always based on the sentence expressing all the basic semantic units, but it also occurs with the lack of these units, so silence is a means of communication. From this, the dialectic between speech and silence is evident in the communicative process, so that it becomes possible to achieve the rhetorical aspect between the speaker and the recipient. In the light of this understanding, the researcher concluded that the deletion in the linguistic structure is not actually imposed on the poem from the outside, but rather it is a conscious action and a feature of the modern poem and an aspect of the creative aspects that work to exploit the tremendous expressive energies that abound in the Arabic language.


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How to Cite
ملياني م. (2008). ظاهرة الحذف من منظور الدراسات الأسلوبية. Traduction Et Langues, 7(1), 104-122. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v7i1.420