إشكالية الترجمة التقنية: أدلة الاستعمال نموذجا

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حفيظة بلقاسمي


The Issue of Technical Translation: Manuals for use as a model

Technical and scientific translation has become the first means of civilized interaction and keeping pace with this rapid scientific development. Technical translation is not critical in itself. Rather, it deals with texts that are often used to set terminology, in addition to complex structures and the absence of an emotional color for vocabulary. Technical, because of the language used, which often differs from the common language, and specialists use the language of specialization to facilitate the process of communication and understanding. Given the many problems posed by critical translation into Arabic, in our study we have relied on manuals for use because they have become an important element in our daily life.


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How to Cite
بلقاسمي ح. (2008). إشكالية الترجمة التقنية: أدلة الاستعمال نموذجا. Traduction Et Langues, 7(1), 123-131. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v7i1.421