La Traduction des termes grammaticaux arabes vers le français

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Aoussine Seddiki


Translation of Arabic grammatical terms into French

The Arabic language currently receiving language receives a fair amount of terms every day from European languages, especially French and English. The terminological transfer to Arabic is at the center of research work which is still topical. This is confirmed by the number of articles, books and theses devoted to this subject. Many linguistic texts have been translated into Arabic over the past two decades. This situation confirms the liveliness of Arabic. It naturally depends on how you look at the cup: half full or half empty.

It seems to me that it is extremely interesting to analyze this phenomenon of transfer in both directions, to take a critical look at exporting languages, in our case French, in the face of Arabic scientific terminology and to identify common rules of functioning.
The choice is limited; it mainly concerns the sciences of language and naturally grammar, a discipline that constitutes a real contribution of Arab grammarians to the evolution of linguistic theories in the world.
This article proposes a debate on the translation of Arabic grammatical terminology into French. Terminology is at the center of the problem of translating scientific and linguistic texts into Arabic.
I would like to address here the problem of the translation of Arabic grammatical terms into French. At a time of multilingualism and globalization, it is important to deal with this theme in order to avoid constraints in terms of translation. The terminology seems to be the one that needs the most attention and it is really difficult to find ready-made solutions. In the practice of translation, its specificities are often not taken into account. Proposals reduce such a complex operation to a simple listing where equivalents written in French do not necessarily correspond to the same conceptual content in Arabic. 


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How to Cite
Seddiki , A. (2009). La Traduction des termes grammaticaux arabes vers le français. Traduction Et Langues, 8(1), 29-35.