Понятие «имидж» и «имимджелогия»

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Habib Benyamina


About the concept of "image" and "imageology"

This article is entitled “About the concept of "image" and "imagology" among Russian theorists, therefore in order to define and clarify these concepts we have made a brief overview of the Russian bibliography.
The term "image" is a fundamental component of this recent and new science called "imagology". As a result, this term was first used in the Russian lexicon in the 90s of the 20th century, initially in the field of politics and then spread to other areas of everyday life. (sociology, marketing etc.)
Accordingly, the concept "image" appears in specialized Russian dictionaries such as the dictionary of psychology and it has been defined and treated. Also, we noted that the work of specialists particularly in sociology of management and imagology such as the famous imagologist V.M. Csepel and Panasiok also the specialist in ethics Gorge Monakhov made use of the term.


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How to Cite
Benyamina , H. (2010). Понятие «имидж» и «имимджелогия». Traduction Et Langues, 9(2), 58-62. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v9i2.475