Éléments de réflexion sur la Traduction Le cas de la Langue Arabe

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Djamel Eddine Zinaï


Elements of reflection on Translation: The case of the Arabic language

We do not claim, within the framework of this article, to open the debate which caused many controversies, but we will limit ourselves to underlining the strong points of this debate to be able to study the case of the Translation and the Arabic Language for see what are the problems that we can encounter in the choice of such or such theory (Linguistics or that of Translation) concerning the practical problems and approach that we can encounter in the translation from and to the Arabic Language.
The controversial debate in question essentially concerns the question of whether translation is a Science in itself (that is to say an independent branch with its foundations and its theories) or whether it represents only a preferred field. or an "offshoot" of Linguistics. We find that recent theories such as that of Seleskovich and Lederer on Interpretation in their book entitled Interpreting to translate (1984) clearly show a questioning of the "control" of Linguistics on Translation. This attitude towards Linguistics in relation to Translation is often associated with the Theory of Meaning or Interpretative Theory. This finds its source in the Theory of the School of Paris, more precisely first at the level of the School of Interpreters of the University of Paris (EIUP) and this from the 1950s when D. Seleckovich, stands out for its “antagonistic” and “opposed” positions to so-called “literal” Translation and to the “hand control” of Linguistics on Translation. It is particularly committed to implementing its new vision of Interpretation and laying the foundations and foundations of its approach to Interpretation and Translation.


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How to Cite
Zinaï, D. E. (2010). Éléments de réflexion sur la Traduction Le cas de la Langue Arabe. Traduction Et Langues, 9(2), 71-76. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v9i2.477

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