Beitrag der Theaterpädagogik zum DaF Unterricht an der algerischen Universität: Erfahrungen und Versuche

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Abdesslam Bereksi Reguig


Theatre pedagogy in Deutsch teaching/learning at the Algerian university: experience and experiments

It's easy to get the impression that you're playing theatre. Rather, it is the performance of a "cultural product" that is the actual goal of theater work. If that were really the case, the type of theater work and professional theater could only be distinguished from one another in terms of quality, not in terms of their goals.
Although the result of all theater education work is a public performance, which is an incentive for foreign language learners that should not be underestimated, the educational focus is on the process of playful development and practice, the trial action of specific social partners. This process opens up the possibility of promoting the overall personality of the learner, their ability to cooperate, trying out new social roles and enjoying play. However, this process requires new methodological, socio-pedagogical qualities and personal experience on the part of the pedagogue, both of which have hardly been available in teacher training courses so far.

My experiences in foreign language teacher training and in the educational system within the framework of Waldorf pedagogy have given me the courage to choose artistic ways to learn the foreign language more easily instead of the traditional methods and to design the rigid foreign language lessons in such a way that the learner has fun, joy and developed a love for the foreign language. In addition, the cultural contribution, namely the literary and cultural aspects, should not be underestimated.
The article discusses how theatre can support language learning at the university level and how it helps learners acquiring professional competences. In the first part, the article will briefly outline forms of drama in language teaching.


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How to Cite
Bereksi Reguig, A. (2011). Beitrag der Theaterpädagogik zum DaF Unterricht an der algerischen Universität: Erfahrungen und Versuche. Traduction Et Langues, 10(1), 62-70.

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