Re-creating Literary Texts

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Fewzia Bedjaoui
Rym Allal


A translator must always be resourceful in terms of vocabulary and syntactic structures. As for creativity in literary translation, we believe that creativity and translation remain inseparable, that is, translation itself is a creative process. The translation is not simply a transformation of an original text into a literal equivalent, but must successfully convey the overall meaning of the original, including the cultural meaning. Fundamental questions are asked.
 What about the question of the translatability of the original style?
 Should a translation have the style of the translator?
 Can we say that the original literary style is untranslatable?

Translation depends on the theoretical knowledge and the practical skill of the translator, a negotiation where the meanings are not translated, but the messages. Indeed, the act of translation goes well beyond simple linguistic transcoding; it is in fact an act of interlinguistic communication. Therefore, the task of the translator connects disciplines and cultures and makes an essential contribution to literature and language on an international scale.


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How to Cite
Bedjaoui , F., & Allal, R. (2011). Re-creating Literary Texts. Traduction Et Langues, 10(1), 94-100.

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