اللغة بين اصطلاح اللفظ ووظيفة المفهوم

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أحمد مطهري


Language between terminology and function of the concept

Social life can be achieved only through collective living and by sharing rights and duties, and this can only be done through communication. Language plays a role in conveying concepts and bringing them closer to human beings. This is the process of communication among them. The study of language in terms of a distinct reality has gone in two directions; the first is the study of language as a structure of phonetic, syntactic, and semantic units. The second is the study of language as a means of expression and communication, as Ibn Jenni has demonstrated. This work investigates both angles and concludes that the linguistic model lies in its relationship with the culture of societies, and that can be reflected in customs, traditions, and lifestyles. It is the material carrier of the cultural pattern of a particular human group, which makes the division and distribution of concepts in a culture different from other languages. Thus, language is the important basis in the making of cultures, their transmission through ages and different environments. Man thinks through language, and expresses his desires and ambitions which are concretized through language. To conclude the discussion on language between terminology and the essence of the concept, we can say that the linguistic model lies in its relationship with the understanding of the culture of different societies, which is manifested through customs, norms, traditions, and lifestyles. Moreover, the linguistic model is the symbol of the cultural pattern of a particular human group, which makes the segmentation of concepts and their distribution within different cultures differ from one language to another. Accordingly, language is the important basis for making cultures and transferring them from one era to another, and from one environment to another.


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How to Cite
مطهري أ. (2011). اللغة بين اصطلاح اللفظ ووظيفة المفهوم. Traduction Et Langues, 10(1), 146-152. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v10i1.496

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