الفروق اللغوية في ترجمة الأسماء الحسنى في القرآن ال كريم

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Mohammed Lamine Latreche


Shades of Meanings in Translating the Most Beautiful Names in the Holy Quran

Translating the Most Beautiful Names and Attributes of Allah is one of the most difficult tasks that require a large knowledge of the Arabic language rhetoric and semantic rules, particularly when translating such sacred names within the Quranic context. One of the most important subjects in strong relation with the translation of those names is the success in translating the exact differences between the Names and Attributes amongst which most reciters of the Quran think they are perfect synonyms as (Rahman/Raheem, Ghafur/Tawwab, Kawiye/Mateen). This point has to be given paramount importance ever when translating them either separately or within the Quranic context as it is proved that none of Allah’s names and attributes is totally synonymous with one another.


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How to Cite
Latreche, M. L. (2019). الفروق اللغوية في ترجمة الأسماء الحسنى في القرآن ال كريم. Traduction Et Langues, 18(1), 223-236. https://doi.org/10.52919/translang.v18i1.499

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